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You find out who the inside chic is!!

Also many tears are spilled from many different people.


Chapter Twenty Five
*10:00 am*
Ashlyn's POV

I stretch letting out a yawn before opening my eyes.

I smile seeing Calum is still asleep beside me and I blush thinking about last night 😏

I turn my head and glance at the clock.

10:00 am

What the hell!

Why hasn't Cecilia woken us up yet?!

Maybe she's sleeping in too.

She has before.

I remove Calum's arms from around my waist and slip out of bed.

I walk over to mine an Calum's closet in my birthday suit...👀

I slip on a pair of undies before pulling on one of Calum's shirts and some sports shorts.

I tie my hair back in a messy ponytail before heading out of the Cashlyn bedroom.

I open the door to Cecilia's nursery and walk over to her crib.

My eyes widen and I let out a scream.

Oh my god!

*8 Hours Earlier*
Nobody's POV

Everyone in the 5SOS/ Galaxy+Emma household was fast asleep.

Everyone except the inside person.

She turned her head checking the time.

2:00 am

The plan began at 2 so she got up from her bed being careful not to wake her partner up.

She creeps into the first babies room and walks over to the crib.

She picks Bradley up and carries him downstairs slowly making sure not to wake him up or it'll alert the whole house.

She opens the front door and passes Bradley to one of the three girls standing there.

Alicia smirks and heads to the van getting in and buckling Bradley in before heading back to the front door.

The inside girl head back inside and up to the twins nursery.

She carefully picks up the twins and goes downstairs.

She passes the twins to their birth mother, Skyler who buckles them into the van before getting in.

The inside girl heads back up the stairs and into Cecilia's room.

She picks up Cecilia and quickly heads outside handing her to Tiffany.

Tiffany carries Cecilia to the van and buckles her into a car seat before getting in herself.

The inside girl heads back into the house and all the way upstairs to Arielle's nursery.

She opens the door and walks over to Arielle's crib.

It was empty.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

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