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Chapter Twenty Two
*1 Week Later*
Chloe's POV

I let out a yawn and head into mine and Luke's room laying down in bed.

Tomorrow is Arielle's actual due date, she was born a week and 3 days early.

I pull the blankets over my body before the window shatters causing me to let out a scream.

A girl dressed in all black wearing a mask covering everything but her eyes climbs in.

"Dear Chloe, guess who's not having a baby anymore? You! Love Parker, Alicia, Tiffany, Skyler, and Maria" the girl says.

She pulls out a gun and my eyes widen.

She pulls the trigger and pain shoots through my stomach.

I let out a ear piercing scream and the girl climbs out the window.

Luke's POV

I pass Arielle to Ashlyn and change Zoella's bum.

I open my mouth to say something but am cut off when something shatters upstairs and Chloe lets out a scream.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and get up walking towards the stairs.

There's a gun shot and Chloe lets out an ear piercing scream.

I sprint upstairs and see Calum and Ashton running out of their rooms and up the stairs.

I follow them and run into mine and Chloe's bedroom.

My eyes widen as I see Chloe sitting in our bed blood everywhere.

"Oh my god" Calum gasp.

Ashton backs out of the room.

"Someone call 911!!" he yells.

I rush over to Chloe's side.

"Who did this!?" I ask.

"L-Luke" Chloe gasps.

She looks up at me with weak eyes.

I immediately put pressure on what looks to be a gunshot wound.

"What's going on?" Lucy asks walking into the room.

"Chloe!" she gasps.

"Baby stay with me" I say, my eyes burning with tears.

"One of t-the babies m-mums, P-Parker thought s-still p-pregnant, d-didn't want me t-to have b-baby" Chloe gasps.

Chloe lays down on our bed.

"Chloe no, please stay with me" I cry.

Calum grabs Chloe's bloody hand and holds it tightly.

"Chloe talk to me" Calum says.

"What's your favorite colour?"

"P-Pur..P-Purple" Chloe gasps.

She's not crying which surprises me.

"What's your favorite movie?"

"I-If I-I Stay" she whispers.

"Chloe! Squeeze my hand!" Cal panics.

"Chloe come on!" he cries.

"Thank god, hang in there"

"The paramedics are outside! Lets bring her down!" Michael says.

I quickly pick Chloe up and run downstairs with her and outside.

The paramedics take her from me and I climb into the back of the ambulance.

*2 Hours Later*
Nobody's POV

Chloe was in surgery, Luke was a mess. Ashlyn was trying to get Arielle to drink formula.

Parker smiled happily at Alicia.

"Now that their baby is dead they will both be so upset" Parker smirks.

Maria walks into the room pulling the mask off her face and unzipping her black leather jacket.

"The baby, Arielle, isn't dead, she was born a week and 3 days ago"

"What!?" Parker yells.

"You didn't know that?" Maria said raising her eyebrow

"No I did not..."

"I'm not horrible enough to kill a baby that's already been born" Parker says.

"....So we need a new plan"

"What if we take back our babies in the middle of the night?" Tiffany suggest.

Everyone in the room was confused, they didn't even notice Tiffany was in the room.

Tiffany turned on a light and everyone spotted her as she sat on a couch reading a magazine.

"Aww what a wonderful idea Tiffany!" Parker says.

He always loved Tiffany, he thought she was really smart but Tiffany wasn't actually that smart...

"Tif your plans always get us hurt or caught" Skyler says walking into the room.

She took a seat beside Maria on the couch on the opposite side of room from Tiffany.

"Not always...." Tiffany says.

Maria kept her mouth shut.

She didn't like this idea at all.

She didn't want to be apart of this but it was too late for turning back.

"No Sky, her idea is actually really good" Alicia said with a smirk standing up.

"They will all be asleep at night so we could easily take the babies" she adds a smirk on her face.

Maria tried to keep quiet but the words just spilt out of her mouth.

"I don't want to do this!" she says.

"Excuse me!?" Alicia snaps.

"N-Nothing" Maria whimpers.

"That's what I thought bitch" Alicia says.

Chloe's heart stops on the doctors and they quickly revive her before continuing her surgery.

They had successfully removed the bullet and were just stitching her back up and giving her blood as she had lost a lot.

Parker smiled happily as he listened to the plan.

"As soon as Chloe has recovered we'll strike!" Skyler says with a smirk on her face.

"Okay this is totally off topic but can you believe Calum named her Cecilia!? What kind of shit name is that!" Tiffany says.

(A/N: No offense to anyone named Cecilia, I love that name!!)

Maria frowned. That's her daughter they are talking about and she really likes the name Cecilia.

"Shut up, that's my daughter you are talking about" Maria says. *Slap*

Maria flinches and curls into a ball in the corner of the room as tears stream down her face.

"Maria don't ever say that again or I'll slap you even harder!" Alicia threatened.

"Maria leave the room now!" Parker orders and Maria runs off to her room crying.

She just wants Calum to love her and care for her.

"Okay back to the plan" Parker says.

"How do we get the babies out of the house?" Tiffany asks.

"Easy" Alicia says.

"We use our inside chic"

So Parker has an inside chic!

That means someone from Galaxy, or Emma, or Marie aren't who they seem to be!!!

Q1- Who do you think is the inside chic?

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