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Chapter Twenty
Luke's POV

Chloe looked up at me and smiled.

I kissed her lips.

I look down at Arielle and take her little hat off so I can see her head.

"She has brown hair" I say.

I put the hat back on her head and she opens her little eyes.

"She has y-your eyes" Chloe smiles.

"Y-You wanna hold her?" she asks.

"Yes" I say.

Chloe carefully hands Arielle to me and I can't help but smile.

My eyes fill with happy tears but I blink them back.

"We made her" I whisper.

*10 Minutes Later*

I carefully hand Arielle back to Chloe.

"I'll be back in a couple mins I'm just gonna go out and talk to everyone, I'll send Calum in" I say.

Chloe nods.

I walk out of her room and head down the hall to the waiting room.

"It's a girl" I smile.

The boys jump up and hug me patting my back.

"Can I go see my sister and my niece?" Calum asks.

I nod.

It's 11pm so it's after visiting hours, only family can see her.

Calum runs down the hall.

"Is she cute!? Tells us about her!" Lucy says.

I smile widely.

"She has my eyes and brown hair and she is so beautiful, she looks like Chloe" I smile.

*15 Minutes Later*

I walk back towards Chloe's rooms but stop once I'm outside it.

I pull out my phone and dial my mums number.

"Luke Honey what's wrong? Why are you calling at this time? It's nearly 12 am where you are!" Mum says.

"Chloe had the baby" I say.


"Almost an hour ago, sorry I didn't call sooner" I smile.

"Congrats Luke! Your father is away on business but I will fly out tomorrow morning" mum says.

"Alright" I say.

"What's my second granddaughter's name?" mum asks.

"Arielle Joy Hemmings" I say.

"Oh Joy will be thrilled to hear that!!" Mum says.

"I'll see you soon"

"Bye mum"

I dial Joy's number.

"Hello Luke" she says.

"Hey Joy, I just thought I'd let you know that Chloe had the baby, her name is Arielle Joy Hemmings" I say.

*5 Minutes Later*

I walk into the room and Calum walks out smiling.

"We're all gonna head home for the night, we'll come back once visiting hours are open" Calum says.

I nod.

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