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Chapter 37 will be the last chapter of this book.

Also I see 5SOS in 2 days!!

Also I stupidly forgot to pack shorts so until Tuesday I'm stuck in the hot sun with leggings 😒

Chapter Thirty One
Lucy's POV
*1 1/2 Hours Later*

"Aunt Lucy!" Zoe yells running over to me.

"I get to be the ugly duckling!"

"Wow that's so cool" I say.

"Will daddy come to my recital?" she asks.

"Of course! Everyone will come" I smile.

"Zoe! Come one!" Nadia yells.

"Bye" Zoe says and kisses my cheek before going back to her class.

*9:00 am*

"Come on" I say.

Nadia and Zoe climb into the car and buckle themselves in.

I drive to Starbucks and park the car.

"Unbuckle and wait for me to open your door" I say.

I get out of the car and a girl squeals.

"Oh my god! You're Lucy Hemmings from Galaxy!"

"Yeah" I smile.

"Can I get a picture?" she asks.

"Of course" I smile.

We take a picture and she thanks me before we begin to talk.

5 Minutes later more fans are starting to show up.

I say goodbye and open the car door, Zoella and Nadia climb out in their tutu's.

I shut the car door and grab their hands walking into Starbucks.

I order myself a muffin and a coffee and order the girls some apple juice and a cookie.

We sit down at a table and the girls tell me about dance.

Fans have surround Starbucks and are waiting outside.

I walk towards the exit Zoe and Nadia following.

"Mummy, why is their so many people? I doesn't like it" she says.

"It's alright just hold my hand okay" I say.

We walk out the front door and Nadia's lip begins to tremble and tears fall from her eyes.

I pick her up and she clings to me.

"Lucy what's wrong with Nadia?" a fan asks.

"She's scared" I say.

I unlock my car and Zoella climbs in before I put Nadia in.

I shut the door and quickly get in the car.

"Are you buckled?" I ask.

"Yeah" Zoe says.

"Nadia is too" Zoe says.

I begin to drive back to the house.

"I want daddy" Nadia sniffles.

"We'll be home in a couple minutes okay" I say.

"Okay" she says.

I pull into the driveway and the girls unbuckle.

We head inside and the dogs are barking, people are shouting, kids are crying, Michael was walking past the door.

"Daddy!" Nadia yells.

She runs to him hugging his legs.

She looks up at Michael with teary eyes.

"She get scared again?" Michael asks.

"Yep, fans surrounded Starbucks" I say.

"Somebody let the dogs out!" Lyn yells.

"There's pics of you all over twitter with them" Michael says.

"Uncle Mikey I get to be the ugly duckling!" Zoella says.

"Wow thats so cool!" Michael says having no clue what she's talking about.

Michael and I walk towards the back door and he opens it before opening the little fenced in area the dogs are in when inside and aren't being watched.

The dogs run outside and he shuts the door.

"Where's the two beautiful ballerina's?" Ashton asks.

"Uncle Ash guess what!" Zoe says running towards Ashton's voice.

Nadia follows her.

"What was she talking about?" Michael asks.

"They are doing the ugly duckling dance, the ugly duckling is the main duck in the dance, Nadia is one of the beautiful swans" I say.

"Oh that's amazing, Zoe is a really good dancer" Michael says.

"Nadia is too" I say.

Michael laughs.

"She has my dance moves, if you think that's good dancing then okay" he says and I laugh.

I kiss his lips.

"Those other mums are such bitches"

"Daddy Aunt Lucy said bitches!" Cece yelled.

"Well then don't repeat it!"

"Is bitches a bad word?"

"Cece go back to sleep!" Calum groans.

Michael rolls his eyes.

"What did they say?" he asks.

"Zoe lid down on the floor because she was tired and the mums were disgusted, they said it's so un-classy and a girl should never lay on the floor"

"What did you say?"

"I pointed out that one of their daughter was currently picking their nose and said how un-classy that is before I laid down on the floor next to Zoe"

"Daddy" Nadia whines.

"My tummy hurts" she says.

"Are you gonna throw up?" Michael asks her.

Nadia nods and Michael picks her up and runs to the bathroom.

Luke walks down the stairs carrying bed sheets and blankets.

"Why does the house smell like vomit?" I asks.

"Because 4/6 kids are sick" Luke means.

"5/6" I say.

"What?" He asks.

"Nadia is sick"

Luke walks out of the laundry room and Zoella walks out of the kitchen.

"Daddy! Guess what!" she yells.

"It's a dance her class is doing" I whisper.

"I get to be the ugly duckling!" She says.

"Oh my goodness! That's so cool!" Luke says.

"Why don't we go tell mummy and get you changed" Luke says.

I let the dogs back in putting them in their fenced in area before refilling their food and water bowls.

Girls Hate Girls - 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now