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Just a quick authors note before this chapter starts, yesterday I posted a new fan fic called "Tragic" it's a Calum fan fiction, if you want could you please check it out, and if you want please check out my other fan fictions :) xoxo

Also I forgot to answer a question from the first book.

Q- How tall do you think I am?
A: Only 4'11 😩 and I'm almost 16. My 12 year old brother is taller then me.

Chapter Three
Emma's POV

I slowly open my eyes and realize Bradley is no longer in my arms.

Oh my god did I lose a baby!

I quickly sit up and grab my phone to see if maybe one of the girls had taken him.

I notice Ashton tagged me in a pic on twitter. "My baby with my baby ❤️🍼"

I open the picture and it's a picture of me and Bradley.

I quickly get up and run out of my room heading to Ashton's.

I slowly and quietly open the door.

Ashton is asleep with Bradley in his arms.

I smile, I didn't lose a baby

"Hey Em" Michael says from behind me.

"Hey" I reply and close Ash's door.

"I'm going to Starbucks with Lucy, want anything when we come back?" Michael asks.

"Sure, just a Passion Tea with Lemonade please" I say.


"Thanks" I smile.

I hear Bradley let out a cry and get up walking into Ashton's room.

Ashton sleepily looks towards the door and spots me.

"Hey" he yawns.

"Hi" I smile.

I walk over to his bed and lay down.

Bradley looks over to me and lets out another cry reaching his small arms out to me.

I take him from Ashton and begin to rock him.

"You have a stinky bum" I say in a baby voice.

I get up and walk out of Ashton's room and into the living room.

I walk into my room and lay Bradley on the bed.

I get a clean diaper and some wipes changing him.

I pick him back up and walk into the kitchen.

Ashton walks out behind me.

"Can you hold him?" I ask.

Ashton nods and takes him.

I begin to make a bottle.

"I'm sorry" Ashton says.

"It's alright" I reply.

Calum's POV

I yawn and open my eyes. I spot Ashlyn laying beside me, Cece in between us.

What the hell is Cece wearing.

Ashlyn giggles.

"It's a bear onesie" she says.

Did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did"

Cecilia lets out a squeal and I smile.

Ashlyn sits Cece up and sets a bear beside her.

This would make a good picture.

I pick my phone up and snap a picture.

I open twitter and notice #DaddyAshton is trending.

I create a new tweet and attach the picture.

@.Calum5SOS: My baby bear Cecilia ❤️🍼

Instantly fans freak out. I frown when I notice how quickly I was losing followers.

@.snapbxckcth: @.Calum5SOS YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER!?!?

@.Calum5SOS: @.snapbxckcth YEP!

"You know I was trying to sleep here" Luke groans.

I roll my eyes and pick Cece up heading into the living room.

Ashton was sitting on the couch feeding Bradley.

Emma was in the kitchen making bacon pancakes.
(A/N: I'm sorry I had to I was watching Adventure time and that song has been stuck in my head)

Ashlyn walks into the kitchen and begins to make Cece a bottle.

"How are you handling this so well?" Ashton asks as I sit beside him.

"It's called taking responsibility" I say.

"But I wasn't ready to have a kid yet, I wanted to be married and have a nice house before I had kids" Ashton says.

"How are we going to tour with 5 babies?" he asks.

"I don't know, but we'll make it work" I say.

Ashlyn brings Cece's bottle in and Emma calls Ashton to the kitchen.

Luke calls me from our room and Ashlyn take's Cece.

I walk into our room and Luke has tears streaming down his face.

"I don't think I can do this Cal" he sobs.

"I'm not ready to be a dad"

I frown and pull him in for a hug.

"Maybe I should just put her up for adoption"

"Luke I know you and I know you will regret that everyday for the rest of your life" I say.

"You're strong Luke, a lot stronger than me. I know you can do this and I know Chloe will be there to help you" I say.

Luke sniffles and wipes his eyes.

"Thanks" he says.

"Anytime bro" I smile.

Ashlyn walks into the room with Cecilia who is covered in something and Lyn has a disgusted look on her face.

"What happened?" I ask.

"She spit up and needs a bath" Ashlyn says.

*1 Hour Later*

Cecilia is all clean and Ashlyn put her down for a nap.

All the babies are having naps.

There's a knock on the door and Emma goes and answers it.

She walks back into the room a minute later with Alice behind her.

"This lady said her name was Alice and that she was your manager" Emma said.

I gulp.

Girls Hate Girls - 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now