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Also PCD (Post Concert Depression) has hit me hard. I'm so sad, I want to cry, I have nothing to look forward to anymore, I want to go back in time and relive the concert!!!

Chapter Thirty Five
Chloe's POV

The kids were at school, except Arielle.

The girls came over to hang out well the guys were in the studio.

Lucy, Melanie, Ashlyn, Emma, and I were currently sitting on the couch in my living room watching Netflix.

"Chloe" Lucy says.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"What the hell is on your finger!?" She yells.

I glance down.

I smile awkwardly at her.

"You got engaged!" she squeals.

"Oh my god!"

"Let me see the ring!"

"How did he propose!?"

"When's the wedding?!"

"Guys one at a time please" I say.

"He proposed 2 nights ago in bed, he came back from putting Zoe to bed and talked about how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me and then he said it and I said yes" I say.

"Does anyone else know?" Lucy asks.

"Calum knows, he found out when he tried to hold my hand"

"That bitch! Why wouldn't he tell me!?" Ashlyn yells.

"Aunty Lyn thats a bad word! You have to put your moneys in the piggy!" Arielle said.

Ashlyn looked at me confused.

"El's been repeating Cece so Luke started a swear jar but with a piggy bank" I say.

"Oh. When's the wedding?"

I shrug.

"We never talked about it, we've only been engaged for 2 days" I say.

My phone rings and I check the caller ID, it was Calum.

"Hey Cal" I answer.

"Hey so umm we kinda lost Luke?" Calum says.

"How do you lose a person in a studio?" I ask.

"Well we went to the studio for like half an hour and then Michael suggest we go clubbing so of course we went and then we lost Luke" Calum says.

"So you lost Luke in a club?" I ask.

"Yes" Calum says.

"Oh wait! We found him!!"


"Cal-Pal there you are!" I hear Luke slur.

"Calum bring him home please" I say.

"Okay! Ashy called a cab bye bye Chloe!" Calum says.

"They're out clubbing" I say.

*2 Weeks Later*
Calum's POV

The front door shuts. Ashlyn is just returning from dropping Cecilia off at school.

"Calum?" Ashlyn calls.

"Yes princess?" I reply.

"Where are you?" she asks.

"In the nursery" I reply.

She waddles in and smiles.

I was just hanging a painting on the wall to give the nursery
more colour.

"I love you" she smiles and I lean down pecking her lips.

She waddles out of the room and I hear her gasp.

"Calum, get the car" she says.

I follow her voice and find her standing in the kitchen a puddle at her feet.

"My water broke" she adds.

"Oh my god!" I panic.

I grab the baby bag and grab the car keys before helping Ashlyn out of our apartment and into our car.

I begin to drive to the hospital.

"Do you have-Jesus Christ...do you have your phone?" Ashlyn asks.

"Yeah" I say.

I pull it out of my pocket and hand it to Ashlyn. She unlocks it and dials a number.

"Ash, I'm in labor" Ashlyn says.

"No, Calum's driving me" she breaths.

"Yeah you can meet us at the hospital" she says.

"Can you call the others?" she asks.

"God damn-thanks" she replies before hanging up.

*3 Hours Later*

I smile looking down at the little baby girl in Ashlyn's arms.

"Hi Asher" I whisper.

"She's so beautiful" I add.

"Like me" Ashlyn smiles.

I chuckle. "Yeah just like you"

*20 Minutes Later*

I head into the waiting room.

"It's a girl, but we already knew that" I say.

"Congrats bro" Luke says hugging me.

"Thanks" I smile.

My twin walks over hugging me.

"What's her name?" Chloe asks.

"Asher Irwin-Hood" I say.

"Okay guys seriously stop with the first names having Ash in them, its to confusing" Michael says.

I laugh.

"Well there's gonna be another one soon, we already chose Ashley as the name" Ashton says holding Emma's hand.

"Jasper delivered the baby" I say.

"Well he is a birthing doctor" Mel says.

"Can I go see my sister?" Ash asks.

"Yeah go ahead" I say.

Arielle runs over to me.

"Aunt Lyn had a baby?" she asks.

"Yep" I smile.

"Is it the one she ate?" Arielle asks. 

Everyone laughs.

"Yes Arielle it's the one she ate" I laugh.

"Chloe can you check on Blue later on? And watch Cecilia tonight?" I ask.

"Yeah of course, we'll bring Blue to our apartment and Cece and Zoe can have a sleepover" Chloe says.

"Thanks" I reply.

Melanie lets out a sneeze and there's a splash.

"Oh shit" she gasps.

"My water just broke" she adds.

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