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I'm was getting a pedicure the other day and the chair was massaging me and it was shaking my entire body.

Chapter Seven
Chloe's POV

"This house is huge!" Lucy says as soon as the guy walks out the door.

"I know! And I'm so far away from the kitchen!" Melanie says causing me to giggle.

"Speaking of kitchen we don't have any food" Ashton says.

"Why don't we take Bradley and go get some" Emma says.

"Alright" Ashton replies.

I look up at Luke as he picks up our bags, I carefully pick up Zoella's diaper bag before following Luke upstairs.

We walk up the stairs to our room and Luke sets our bags down.

"Gonna p-put Zoe in nursery" I say.

Luke nods before gently kissing Zoella's head.

I walk out of our room and over to Zoella's room. I lie her in her new crib and smile.

I look around and spot baby monitors.

I turn them on and place the one that records beside Zoella's crib and walked out of the room closing the door only leaving it open a little bit.

I walk into mine and Luke's room and set the other baby monitor on a nightstand.

Luke walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me against his chest.

A smile finds it way onto my face and I turn my head looking up at him.

He kissed my cheek before grabbing my hand and pulling me into bed.

Luke kissed me and I kissed back.

The kiss became more heated and clothing was removed before Luke thrust into me.

*2 Days Later*
Emma's POV

"I love you" I say.

"Love you more" Ash smiles and pecks my lips.

A car horn honks making me jump.

"Bitch hurry up we're already 2 hours behind!" Sarah yells.

I roll my eyes and kiss Ashton once more.

He looks down at the baby boy in his arms and kisses his head.

"Be a good boy for mumma" Ash says.

His eyes widen as soon as the word leaves his mouth.

"Mumma?" I ask.

Ashton blushes and shrugs.

"I meant to say Emma"

I laugh.

Ashton buckles Bradley into his carrier and carries it to the car.

I open the back door and he buckles Bradley in as I put my bags in the trunk.

"See you in 2 weeks" I say.

"I'm going to miss you so much" Ashton says kissing me.

I giggle. "I promise I'll call you every chance I get" I say.

"Emma your baby's crying!" Sarah says.

"I'm coming" I say.

"Bye Ash"

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