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Sorry if this is a boring chapter, it's a filler.

Next Chapter (Chapter 7) will continue from where this one leaves off.

Chapter Six
Chloe's POV

Everyone squeezes into the taxi and it begins to drive to the airport.

The babies are all fed and changed and asleep in their carriers.

We arrive at the airport and get out.

A car picks us up driving us out onto the runway to board the private jet.

*10 Hours Later*

"Out of my way I need air!" Calum says and pushed everyone out of the way running off the plane.

We just landed in Canada, lets just say the babies don't handle flying very well.

Bradley cried the entire flight which means all the babies cried the entire flight.

A car picked us up and began to drive to the house we are staying at.

*1 Hour Later*

I walked into the giant house carrying Zoella.

"I am here to give you a tour of the house" a guy says.

"Just set your bags by the front door, you can put them in your rooms after the tour" the guy adds.

(All the photo's of the rooms are on this link: http://s1379.photobucket.com/user/katiee_is_a_penguin/slideshow/Girls%20Hate%20Girls )

He begins to walk and leads us into the living room.

The living room was really nice, there's a lot of white, it's going to get dirty but besides that it's pretty small but really nice.

The guy continues to walk and shows us a small powder room (A bathroom with just a sink, mirror, and toilet).

We follow him into the kitchen.

The kitchen is huge!

It's different shades of gray and it's just so big.

The guy then leads us down a very large spacious hall and into a large child's playroom.

I smile to myself.

The guy then leads us into the backyard and shows us a huge pool.

He then leads us to the lawn where there are 5 child's play houses set up and a giant tree house with lights.

My jaw drops at the sight of the tree house.

I love this house! This would be an amazing place for the babies to grow up!

The guy takes us back inside and into a second, and much bigger, living room.

He walks across the living room and opens a door leading to a small balcony, we all follow him and it's a view of a basketball court in the basement.

"The basement is sound proof, it will also be used for you to practice, a drum set is set up and can be rolled out onto the court, along with all the other equipment" the guy says.

"Sweet" Ashton and Ashlyn say in sync.

The guy then leads us to the basement and shows us where all the equipment is, he then shows us a room we all get excited about, a gaming room!!

There are 8 monitors all over the room and each has a Xbox One and PS4 hooked up to them along with a headset.

"Michael, Melanie, come along now, there's still more rooms to see" the guys says.

The guy lead us to another room in the basement, it was another child's toy room.

He then leads us all the way upstairs, he leads us into a small but really nice looking bedroom.

"This is Emma's room, and this is her ensuite" he says as he opens a door revealing Emma's bathroom.

The guy opens a door across from Emma's room reveling Bradley's nursery.

"This is Ashton's son's nursery"

He leads us up a set of stairs that are right beside Emma's room.

There are only 4 doors up here.

He open's the closet door revealing a really nice black and white room.

"This is Luke and Chloe's room, your ensuite is here" he says as he opens a door in our room revealing our bathroom.

It's so nice and big!

He leads us to the door beside mine and Luke's room and opens it.

"This will be Luke's daughter's bathroom once she's older" the guy says.

He then opens the door beside Zoella's bathroom, it was a beautiful nursery.

"This is Luke's daughter's nursery" the guy says.

I look down at the sleeping baby in my arms then up to Luke.

By the look on his face I could tell he didn't want me to put Zoella in her crib.

I give him a small nod before following the guy to the last door up here.

It was a small play room with a small toy kitchen and table.

We follow the guy down the stairs and to another room.

"This is Michael and Lucy's room, and this is your ensuite" he says.

Michael and Lucy's room and ensuite are really nice.

The guy opens a door that's across from Michael and Lucy's room revealing a nursery for the twins.

"This is the twins nursery" the guy says.

I love the twins nursery it looks so amazing.

The guy leads us around a corner and opens the first door, there is a large bathroom and in the corner is a bed.

"This is Ashton's room, and bathroom, sorry the builders messed up" the guy says.

"It's fine I like it!" Ashton says.

The guy opens another door across the hall and it was another room.

"This is Calum and Ashlyn's room, ensuite is here" the guy says.

Their room and ensuite are really nice, I love how there's lots of books in their room.

The guy opens a door that's beside Calum and Ashlyn's room and revels Cecelia's nursery.

"This is Calum's daughter's nursery" the guy says.

The guy then leads us down the hall past other closed doors explaining that they're just guest bedrooms.

Luke checks to see if the guy was telling the truth and he was.

There's a staircase at the end of the hall but he stops and opens a door by the stairs.

"This is a babies play room, it's fully padded so babies won't hurt themselves" he says.

He leads us up the set of stairs before opening a door.

"This is the reading room" he says before quickly moving into a room down the hall.

"This is Melanie's room" he says.

"You do not have an ensuite but your bathroom is right here" the guy says opening a door across from Mel's room.

He leads us back to the front door before smiling.

"Well that's it, hope I helped you learn the layout of the place, call me if anything breaks or if there's any problems. Talk to you soon" the guy says before leaving.

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