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Chapter Thirty
Chloe's POV

My alarm wakes me up and I quickly shut it off not wanting to wake Luke up.

I climb out of bed and head into our bathroom in the shirt Luke wore yesterday.

I turn the shower on before removing Luke's shirt from my body.

I hop into the shower and wash my hair and body before getting out wrapping a towel around my body.

I towel dry my hair before pulling it into a high pony tail.

I head into mine and Luke's closet putting on a bra and underwear before slipping into some blue jeans and a tee shirt.

I pull on some socks before heading back into the bathroom.

I do my makeup and by now it's 5am.

I walk out of the bathroom turning off the light.

"Babe come here" Luke mumbles half asleep.

"I want a kiss before you go" he says.

I kiss his lips before he lays back down going to sleep.

I head out of our room and walk into the twins room.

Lucy is a lazy ass so I take both Nadia and Zoe to ballet.

I walk over to Nadia's bed.

"Nadia, it's time to get up" I say quietly.

She yawns and opens her eyes.

"Okay" she whispers.

"Go pee and brush your teeth" I say.

"Don't wake Aidan up this time" I add.

She nods and I walk out of the room going back upstairs to Zoella's room.

"Zoe it's time to get up" I say.

She yawns slowly getting up.

"I-I have to pee" she says stuttering a little.

I frown. Why did she just stutter? I hope she doesn't develop a stutter like I had.

"Brush your teeth after" I say.

"Okay mummy" she yawns.

I head downstairs and Nadia is walking down the hall.

I head downstairs and turn the TV on putting cartoons on.

I walk over to puppies cages and unlock them before opening them.

They begin to bark excitedly and I let them outside to pee.

Nadia lies down on the couch and I head into the kitchen.

I get 2 bowls out and cereal, cheerios and lucky charms to be exact.

"Nadia come and eat sweetie"

"Okay aunt Chloe" she says.

She sits at the island and I pour her some lucky charms before pouring some milk into the bowl.

Zoe skips into the kitchen and sits beside Nadia.

I pour her some cheerios and milk.

"You two eat well I go get Arielle ready" I say.

I let the puppies back in and put them inside a fenced in area with cardboard and newspaper on the ground in case the puppies decide to due a little something it won't go on the floor.

I begin to head upstairs when I hear Arielle crying.

I head into her nursery.

I turn on her light and walk over to her crib where she has vomited.

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