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Wives ( lashton_net JustsayingHemmo Simbas-Pride robyn_fallen_hope ) I'd like to introduce you to our newest wive hellolukey

love you all 💖💖

Chapter Two
*2 Hours Later*
Chloe's POV

It's been 2 hours since Ashton left and the babies haven't stopped crying!

Ashton hasn't came back either but Emma came out of her room with Bradley.

The door opened and I thought it was Ashton but when I looked up I gasped.

"Mum" I say.

Everyone looks towards the door and gasp as they see there mums, everyone except Emma.

Mum, Liz, Anne, and Karen came in and shut the door.

"Why are there babies?" Liz asked.

"Because these idiots didn't wear condoms" Lucy said.

"What!" all four mums yelled.

Michael explained what happened.

Lets just say our mums flipped out. Anne asked where Ashton was.

"He's probably at a foster home filling out paperwork" Emma said.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Ashton's girlfriend Emma"

"Why is Ashton filling out paperwork?"

"He doesn't want Bradley" Em says.

"Why not?"

Emma shrugs. "He refuses to admit that Bradley is his even though the DNA test was positive"

"I'm trying to convince him but he won't listen"

"I will talk some sense into him"

I looked over to mum who was talking to Calum.

I looked at Calum's face and he was about to break. He can't handle all of this at once.

"Cal p-pass her" I say.

He looks at me with a panicked expression and quickly hands her to me.

"I-I can't do this, I can't" Calum cries rushing to his room closing and locking the door.

He breaks down into loud sobs and I frown.

Mum tried to get Calum to come out but he refused.

After 10 more minutes the babies calmed down and Calum's sobs stopped.

Our mums were now holding the babies.

Michael was still holding Nadia as she wouldn't let anyone else hold her.

Ashton came back and groaned when he saw his mum.

*1 Day Later*

Our mums watched the babies, minus Nadia, as we went to a meeting with Alice.

Michael carried Nadia under his sweater so she was hidden and Melanie carried Nadia's carrier with a blanket over it so it looked like a baby was in it.

When we got in the car Michael buckled Nadia in her carrier and we headed off to the meeting.

*20 Minutes Later*

"The tours on hold for 4 months" Alice said.

"It's not just because of the babies, a couple stadiums were damaged in storms and need to be repaired"

"It's not a good idea to all come out at once to the fans" Alice says.

"Calum, tomorrow you will come out to the fans"

"But I'm not gay...."

"Not about your sexuality you idiot about having a daughter"

I roll my eyes.

"Oh right" Calum says.

"Michael the day after Cal, you come out"

"Luke the day after Mike, you come out"



"Don't interrupt me"

"I'm coming out today" Ashton says.

"If I don't come out today I'm going to end up giving him away" Ash says.

I frown at that. He's so horrible.

Alice nods. "Alright"

"You can tweet it, Instagram it, go out in public, whatever you want"

*8 Hours Later*
Ashton's POV

I snuck into Emma's room and looked towards the bed.

The room was lit by the dim lamp on the bedside table.

Emma was asleep with Bradley cuddle against her.

I smiled a small smile and pulled my phone out opening the camera.

I pointed it at them and snapped a picture.

I carefully sat down on the bed and opened twitter. I created a new tweet and attached the picture of Emma and Bradley.

@.Ashton5SOS: My baby with my baby ❤️🍼 *image*

I hit tweet and instantly fans were freaking out.

I replied to one tweet.

"@.liveloveashton: @.Ashton5SOS YOUR A DADDY!?!?!?!?!?" Yes

I check the time, 1 am, I lock my phone and lay down with a sigh.

Bradley lets out a yawn and I turn my head.

He begins to wiggle his little arms and legs around happily.

Emma groaned.

I frown.

She looks so tired.

I get up and walk around to the other side of the bed.

I look down at Bradley and slowly pick him up.

Emma stirs in her sleep and I carefully pick up the spare blanket and pull it over her body.

I pick up Bradley's soft green blanket and walk out of Em's room.

I go into the living room and sit down on the floor with Bradley before I lay him down.

I lay beside him and he wiggles around happily.

I play with him for a while before he falls asleep on the floor.

I carefully pick him up and walk back to my room.

I pull my sheets back before placing Bradley in my bed.

I lay beside him and gently place his green blanket over his sleeping body.

I pull my sheets over my body before I close my eyes and drift to sleep.

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