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Chapter Seventeen
*3 Days Later*
Luke's POV

"So I hear that you guys have a big announcement about the rest of your tour?" the interviewer asked.

"Yes" Ashton said and looked at me.

"So as some of you may have seen in pictures, Chloe was taken to the hospital in an ambulance" I begin.

"She has been to stressed lately and has now been put on bed rest so firstly, Galaxy will not be able to continue the tour" I say.

"Secondly, I want to be their for Chloe, our baby, and spend some time with my daughter Zoella" I say.

"So unfortunately....I will not be continuing tour" I say.

Fans start to freak.

"The guys decided that they can't do this without me so unfortunately the rest of the tour will have to be cancelled" I frown.

Immediately the fans that are in the audience start to yell, cry, and boo.

I can imagine the fans at home watching on their TVs are angrily tweeting, blogging, crying, and yelling.

"BUT!" I yell.

"Hehe you said butt" Michael and Calum laugh.

"Guys we're trying to be serious here!" Ashton says.


Calum and Michael laugh again.

"I swear we are a serious band" I say.

"No you're not!" A fan screams.

"Anyways as I was saying, we have something really special planned!!" I smile.

"Everyone that bought a ticket to a show that's now been cancelled will get to come to the second Derpcon in LA! All expenses paid or you can get a refund and some free merch" Ashton says happily.

Fans immediately cheer and I smile.

*2 Hours Later*

"Bye, see you in a couple weeks" I say.

I shut and lock the door heading upstairs to Chloe and Zoella.

I walk into our room and smile when I see Chloe lying in our bed fast asleep with Zoella passed out in her arms.

I change out of my skinny jeans and pull on a pair of sweats before removing my shirt.


I climb into bed beside Chloe, Zoella still asleep in her arms but now she's in between Chloe and I.

I pull the sheets over my body and close my eyes drifting to sleep.

*1 Day Later*

"Chlo!" I call from Zoella's nursery.

"What?" she answers.

"Where's the wipes?" I ask.

"Cece and Zoe share w-wipes so t-they are in LA right n-now" Chloe says.

"But Michael h-has extra w-wipes in t-twins nursery so y-you can just b-borrow some" She adds.

I groan.

"This is going to be difficult" I say.


"I already have Zoe's diaper half off"

"Luke y-you're supposed t-to get w-wipes and diapers r-ready before y-you start changing a d-diaper"


I turn my head as Chloe slowly waddled into the nursery.

"Baby you're supposed to be in bed" I say.

"Luke, M'fine, go get some w-wipes" she says rolling her eyes.

She stands in front of the change table watching Zoella.

I sigh and head downstairs and into the twins nursery.

I spot a package of wipes on the change table and grab them heading back upstairs to Zoella's nursery.

I walk over to the change table where Chloe is talking to Zoe.

"Mama!!" Zoe squeals.

"Yes b-baby" Chloe smiles.


"Lets change your bum!" I say.

"No!" Zoe yells.



I sigh and quickly change her diaper before picking her up.

I kissed her chubby cheek and she squealed before pointing to Chloe's belly.

"Mama baby tummy!" she squeals.

"Yeah baby" Chloe smiles.

"It's your baby sister Arielle" I smile.

"Wanna give mama kiss?"

"Mama kiss!" Zoella smiles.

Zoe leans towards Chloe and I hold her as she gives Chloe a kiss.

"Aww good girl" Chloe smiles.

I glance at the time on the clock. 7:45 pm.

"Zoe says Night Night to Mama" I say.

"Nu-Night" Zoella says and blows Chloe a kiss.

"Dough Dough, blankie" Zoe whines.

Chloe grabs Zoella's pacifier and blanket from her dresser and sticks the pacifier in Zoe's mouth handing her, her blankie.

Chloe waddles out of the room.

I lay Zoella in her her crib after kissing her forehead.

I turn on her nightlight and baby monitor before tucking her in and leaving the room shutting the door.

I head into mine and Chloe's room as I hear the toilet flush and the sink turn on.

I walk into the bathroom and Chloe is only in her bra and underwear.

"Luke" she groans.

I roll my eyes.

Chloe waddles over to the shower turning it on.

"Luke can y-you grab me a towel p-please?" she asks.

"Only if I can shower with you" I say.

"Okay" Chloe says.

I grab 2 towels and set them beside the shower.

Chloe is in the shower and I climb in after her.

I help her wash her hair and body before pushing her against the wall and kissing her roughly.

She kisses back and lets out a quiet moan.

I begin to kiss her neck and my hands trail down her body.

Chloe's POV

I let out a quiet moan before Luke's hands began to trail down my body.

His hard on was pressed against my thigh.

I knew that in a matter of minutes we'd be fucking.

That can't happen know matter how much I want it too.

"L-Luke I-I can't" I whisper against his lips.

He pulls back and looks at me confused.

"Sex increases chance of g-going into l-labor" I frown.

Luke nods slowly his forehead pressed against mine.

My hand trails down Luke's chest until I reach his hard on.

I grasp it in my hand before attaching our lips.

(A/N: You know what Chloe is doing rn 😏)

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