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Chapter Thirty Seven
*1 Week Later*
Chloe's POV

I sigh unlocking the door to mine and Luke's apartment.

I'll be here alone almost everyday, well the kids are at school.

The guys left for tour a couple days ago.

I open the front door and walk in.

"Hey" Ashlyn says.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I picked Zoella and Cecilia up from school, you weren't answering your phone" she says.

"Why did you have to pick them up?" I ask.

"They got suspended" she says.

"What the fuck! How!?" I yell.

"Well the 3 girls actually got suspended, Lucy picked Nadia up" Ashlyn says.

"Okay but how did they get suspended?" I ask.

"Zoella, Cecilia come here" Ashlyn calls.

The two girls run into the room.

We all sit down on the couch.

"Tell us how you got suspended please" Ashlyn says.

"At recess these 2 girl grade fivers were calling El names and she started crying!" Zoe says madly.

"I got angry because they made my little sister cry and I was standing on a big rock beside El so I pushed one of the grade fivers" Zoella said.

"Me and Nadia heard Zoella yell and turned around the that bitch pushed Zoe off the rock!" Cecilia yells.

"Zoe started crying and that made me mad! I told Nadia to get on her hands and knees behind the bitch and then I pushed her. The bitch tripped over Nadia and fell on the ground" Cecilia said.

"I climbed on top of her and started to beat the shit out of her!" Cece yells.

"The girl has a black eye, broken nose, and is missing a tooth" Ashlyn says.

Holy shit. A fifth grader got beat up by a couple of kindergarteners.

"The girls friend kicked Nadia!" Zoella says.

"I stopped crying and climbed back onto the rock and jumped onto the girl. Nadia kneeled down behind her and the girl tripped over Nadia and fell over, I was on top of her and punched her in the face as hard as I could and she went asleep and I broked my hand" Zoella says.

That's when I notice the cast on her hand.

"I took her to the hospital" Ashlyn says.

"The principle tried calling you but your phone was off"

"You girls are gonna be in a lot of trouble from your dads but good job" I say giving them high fives.

"Bradley and Aidan wouldn't help" Zoella says.

"They were scared of the dumb bitches because they were bigger then us but we didn't need them, we fucked them up on our owns" Cecilia says proudly.

"We gotta go now, see yeah later" Ashlyn says.

"Alright see yeah" I say.

"Bye Zee"

"Bye Cee"

"Go play in your room okay" I say.

"Okay" Zoella says.

I head into the Cuke bedroom and lay down on the bed pulling my phone out.

I dial Luke's number and it rings 3 times before he answers it.

"Hey baby, perfect timing, I just got off stage!" Luke answers.

"Nadia, Cecilia, and Zoella got suspended" I sigh.

"What? They got suspended" Luke says.

"Babe I'm putting you on speaker, the guys are curious" he adds.

"Some fifth grader and her friend were calling Arielle names, made her cry, Zoella was standing on a rock beside them and pushed the girl" I say.

"Wait Zoella pushed a fifth grader!?" Luke asks in shock.

"Yeah, the fifth grader then pushed Zoe off the rock, Cece and Nadia saw and Cece told Nadia to get behind the girl on all fours, Cece pushed the girl and she tripped over Nadia and then Cece got on top of the girl and beat her up, the girl has a black eye, broken nose, and is missing a tooth" I say.

"Holy shit really!?" Calum yells.

"Yeah" I say.

"The girls friend started to kick Nadia so Zoe got back up on the rock and jumped on the girl, Nadia got on all four again and the girl tripped over her, and Zoella punched the girl in the face as hard as she could knocking the girl out and breaking her hand" I say.

"Zoella knocked someone out!?" Ashton yells.

"Yeah, they're suspended for a week" I say.

"They're fucking ninjas" Michael yells.

"Why didn't the boys help?" Ash asks.

"Quoting Cece, they were scared of the dumb bitches because they were bigger than us but we didn't need them, we fucked them up on our own" I say.

"They don't like those girls"

"Girls hate girls"

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