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An update bc I'm at my cottage and I'm bored af sitting inside eating food.

Can this chapter get 25 comments for an update tomorrow!?
(Thats right my boredom has earned you guys a weekend of updates!)

Just a little note before you start reading, sorry is this is confusing and its not the end of the book just yet!! I just need some time to pass.

I've decide to make a Girls Hate....... series. Their will be a third and hopefully a forth book!?

This book will be ending soon but not just yet!!!

Also something big happens in Chapter 33!! Do you think it will be good or bad?

Chapter Twenty Eight
Chloe's POV

"There's a kitchen with food and milk and bottles here, a bathroom here, and diapers and wipes here" Parker says.

"Okay?" I question.

He walks out of the room and the door slams shut and locks.

Parker appears on the other side of the large window looking into room we were just in.

"You are staying in their and taking care of our family" Parker says.

"Y-You said if I came y-you'd let the babies go!" I say.

Parker smirked. "I lied"

*4 Hours Later*
Luke's POV

The police tracked Chloe and have gone to break her and the babies out.

Chloe was currently sitting on the bed staring at the ceiling.

She sits up and walks over to a wall.

The wall suddenly breaks and an officer is standing there.

"Come on lets grab the babies and go" he says.

Chloe quickly grabs Zoella and Nadia, 3 other officers grab the other babies and they head out getting into a cop car.

Chloe turns her head and watched as Parker is being put into a cop car in handcuffs.

"It's over" she whispers.

*25 Minutes Later*

The front door opens and Chloe walks in carrying Nadia and Zoella, officers walk in behind her carrying the other 3 babies.

I run towards Chloe as does Michael.

He takes Nadia who squeals happily.

I hug Chloe and Zoella tightly.

"I love you so much" I say and kiss her.

Nobody's POV

That night everyone went to sleep with their babies in their beds holding them close.

They were happy to be reunited. It was finally all over.

For good.

At least that's what they thought.

And of course what they thought was actually right.

The police caught the other 3 girls and they were arrested.

Parker, Alicia, Skyler, Tiffany, and Maria were all sentenced to life in prison.

They can never hurt or bother the bands ever again.

A couple weeks later Michael threw a party for his twins and had a ball pit. The babies all loved it.

Michael, Luke, Calum, and Ashton may have enjoyed it a little bit more, they tested it out for 4 hours before the babies were allowed in.

September came around and the boys second tour started.

Galaxy opening for them once again.

Sadly Emma couldn't go on tour with them, she was an amazing photographer and was so busy with work.

She was flying all over the place and would occasionally be in the same place as the bands every once and a while and would get to see them and her and Ashton would get to be with each other 😉😉

They had a huge tour and visited every single place that fans requested.

They had a week break in between every 4 concerts.

January came around and Arielle learnt her first couple words from Michael.

"Shut up Luke"

(The idea for Arielle's first words was suggested by 5SOS_Caitlyn14 )

The babies all celebrated their 2nd birthdays except Arielle who celebrated her 1st.

The tour took them an entire year to do but they didn't mind. They were together with their families.

After the second tour ended they returned to their house in Canada.

Melanie met a guy named Jasper Green.

They were perfect for each other.

In October the company Emma was working for closed down so she was out of a job.

She quickly got a new job and she was happy with it.

She could choose when and where she wanted to travel for her job, she had to take pictures of beautiful things, whether its of plants, animals, people, objects, anything.

In November Galaxy was offered their own 2 month tour in Australia and New Zealand.

They happily accepted and spent the next 2 months their.

Over all that time Chloe lost her stutter. She worked hard and doesn't stutter when she talks anymore.

Zoella's third birthday came around and she had a big party at a blow up castle place.

2 months later it was Bradley's 3rd birthday.

Ashton through him a party at the zoo as Bradley loves animals.

Next came Cecilia's 3rd birthday, she had a gymnastics party and she loved it.

May comes quickly and its Arielle's 2nd birthday.

She has a small party in the backyard and had an amazing time.

A couple weeks later comes the twins 3rd birthday.

Michael had a magician come and the twins loved it.

2 months later Galaxy release an album and announce that they won't be touring anytime soon.

They take their kids out trick or treating at Halloween.

Melanie and Jasper have been with together for a little more than a year now.

Jasper took Melanie to a One Direction concert and proposed to her!!

Melanie happily said yes.

They all fly out to Australia to be with family for Christmas.

Calum tells Cece she has a special present when they go back home in January.

She'll love her present.

In fact all the kids have a present waiting for them when they get home.

They fly back home January 8th and Zoella's 4th birthday is coming up. She's getting so big now!

Everyone just wants to stay home and spend time together as one big family.

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