Character Answers #1

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Character Answers #1

Here are the answers to all of the questions/comments. If I missed yours please let me know!!


Q- NotYourHood asks "Have u always stuttered?"

Chlo- "N-No, started to stutter when I-I was 4 or 5"

@KeeperOfTheFanFics says "I love you. You are freaking amazing please protect Arielle :*"

Chlo- "I-I love y-you too and I-I will protect Arielle, I won't l-let anyone hurt h-her"


@random_lazy_bird says "Fuck those who hate you! I like you! You go girl!"

Luc- "I don't think Michael would be very happy if I went and fucked all the haters.... but I...I...thanks for your suggestion!

Luke- "Lucy she didn't mean for you to literally go and fuck the haters, she meant for you to just ignore them and not listen to them"

Luc- "oooh....thank you! I will try and ignore and not listen to the haters the best I can but its hard to yah know? Probably not.."

@random_lazy_bird asks "What's your relationship with queen Liz?

Luc- "Theirs a queen named Liz? I never met a queen"

Luke- *slaps self in face sighing*

Luc- "What?"

Luke- "They mean mum Lucy, they call mum queen Liz"

Luc- "ooh, I an so sorry I'm so behind on everything but to answer your question, we have an okay relationship. We don't really get along though but we try too, Luke and mum are way closer, I'm closer to my dad"


@KeeperOfTheFanFics asks "How does it feel to be single?"
(This was asked before you found out about Mel's gf)

Mel- "I am no longer single but it was pretty lonely being single. Everyone us always hugging, cuddling, and kissing an I was just sitting in the game room playing Fifa by myself and eating pizza"


@imaginative-dreamer asks "Why don't you go public with you and Calum's relationship?"

Lyn- "I don't like the attention, I've always been shy and I hate being noticed, whenever I go out with Calum we always get mobbed and the mobs would be even worse if the fans knew, I know he wants to go public but I'm to scared of the attention we'll get"

aidanmacey123 asks "How many bandanas do you have??"

Lyn- *eyes widen, tries counting in head* "Well last month I bought like 12, and I had over 20 before that so probably like 40? But some of them are Ashton's, don't tell him I said that"

Ash- "Ashlyn I'm sitting right behind you"

Lyn- "oops"

@4aussiesarecool says "You and Calum are adorable"

Lyn- "Aww thank you!"


@random_lazy_bird asks "How was the band formed?"

Luc- "We've never been asked this before!"

Chlo- *smiles rolling her eyes at her bestfriend*

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