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In 9 days One Direction will be in my country, sadly I'm not seeing them.

In 14 days 5SOS will be in my country, AND I'M SEEING THEM! OMG I'M SO EXCITED!

Chapter Sixteen
Emma's POV

I sighed as Ashton lid in his bed pouting.

Where the hell is Luke or Chloe!? They need to come get Zoella.

My phone suddenly rings and I answer it.

"Emma!" Luke says.

Luke sounds really nervous, scared and worried. I hear sniffling.

"Luke? What's wrong!?" I ask.

"Chloe's been stressing so much and she said something was wrong with the baby and she was holding her stomach in pain, we're at the hospital and they won't let me see her" he cries.

"Oh my god!" I gasp.

"Have the doctors told you anything!?" I ask quickly causing Ashton to look at me confused.

"No" Luke sobs.

"Luke calm down okay, just breath, we're coming, what hospital are you at?" I ask.

Ashton gets up and leaves our room heading across the hall to Calum and Ashlyn's hotel room.

"Grace Hospital" he sniffles. 
(I just made this up)

"Alright, just try to stay calm and we'll be there as soon as we get a taxi" I say.

"Okay" Luke sniffled hanging up.

I'm going to stay here and watch the babies.

Everyone walks into the room following Ashton.

"What the hell is going on!?" Calum snaps.

"You idiots stressed Chloe out so much that she's in the hospital!" I yell.

"What!?" Lucy gasps.

"She may have gone into early labor, she may have lost the baby!" I yell.

"Luke is freaking out because they won't let him see Chloe and they won't tell him anything" I say.

"They are at Grace Hospital now bring me your babies and you are all going right now!" I add.

Everyone leaves the room and 5 minutes later everyone is back, dressed and some with babies.

*1 Hour Later*
Luke's POV

"Luke Hemmings" A doctor calls.

I quickly get up and the doctor leads me down a hall.

"She is fine and the baby is fine, however she went into early labor which isn't good for the baby" the doctor explained.

"We gave her a shot and that will delay the labor for now" he says.

"Now I know you and Chloe are on tour at the moment with your bands, correct?"

I nod. "Yes"

"Chloe will not be able to continue the tour, she is being put on bed rest" the doctor says.

"Now, I think it would be best if you stayed with her, luckily you are in Canada, drive back to your house in Ontario and stay with her" The doctor says.

"She cannot go up and down the stairs-"

"Umm well our room is on the third floor"

"Does your house have an elevator?"

"Actually yeah I think it does but only to the second floor"

"She just needs to go very slowly" he says.

I nod.

"Try not to stress her out, that could cause her to go back into labor"

I nod.

"Can I see her now?" I ask.

The doctor nods and opens a door.

"She needs to rest but insisted on seeing you before she would sleep"

I smile and thank him before walking into the room.

Chloe smiles at me from her spot on the bed.

I walk over and sit beside her.

"Tomorrow you, Zoe, and I will drive back home" I say and stroke her hair.

"It's a 21 h-hour d-drive" Chloe says tiredly.

I nod. "We will stop halfway home"

"W-What about t-tour" Chloe yawns.

"Well you are on bed rest but you were only going to play 2 more shows in Canada" I say.

Chloe smiles. "Already knew t-that"

I smile.

"You and our baby are way more important than the tour" I say.

"I know the fans will be upset but they'll understand once they re-think it" I add.

"Love y-you" Chloe smiles.

"I love you to baby now get some rest, I'll be back in a couple minutes" I say and kiss her forehead.

"Okay" she whispers closing her eyes and drifting to sleep.

I leave the room and head down the hall back into the waiting room.

"How is she?" Calum asks.

"I'd say to go see her but she just fell asleep" I say.

Calum nods.

"But besides that she had went into early labor, they gave her a shoot to stop the labor for now and put her on bed rest, she can't do the 2 more shows she was going to do" I say.

The girls nod sadly but they understand.

"Is she going to go back to the house?" Ashton asks.

I nod.

I look at the ground and take a deep breath.

"I'm going with her-"

"What about the tour!?" Michael asks.

"What about the fans!?" Ashton asks.

"What about us? What about everything we've been through?" Calum sings.

I let out a small laugh and roll my eyes.

"Chloe and the baby are more important to me then the tour" I say.

"I feel so bad for letting you guys down and the fans down but I need to be with Chloe" I say.

Ashton nods understanding.

"I'm not doing it without you!" Calum says.

"Me either!" Michael says.

"After the baby is born we can do something really special for the fans that don't get to see us" I say.

Ashton nods. "Derpcon #2 but even bigger and better!?"

"Exactly!" I say.

"Everyone that bought tickets can either get a refund and free merch or trip to derpcon!" I say.

"That's a great idea Luke"

"That's why I'll need you guys to go down to LA and start planning and organizing it, Chloe can't have anything stressing her out she just needs to rest for 2 months"

"So you're kicking us out for 2 months!"


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