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Chapter 37 will be the last chapter of Girls Hate Girls!

Chapter Thirty Six
*5 Hours Later*
Melanie's POV

I smiled at the little baby boy in my arms.

"Baby I really wish I could stay with you right now but theirs other women in labor right now and I'm working" Jasper says.

"It's okay Jasper, I understand" I smile.

He gives me a small smile before kissing me and leaving.

Michael walks into the room, everyone else had to leave to pick up kids from school.

He smiles at me.

*1 Week Later*
Lucy's POV

"Aunt Lucy" Bradley calls.

"What?" I ask.

"Do you know where Nadia and Aidan are hiding? I can't find them!" He says.

They are currently playing hide and seek.

I'm over at Ashton and Emma's house.

Michael and Ashton ran out to get some pizza for dinner.

"Try looking upstairs" Emma says.

Bradley runs off to go look upstairs.

"Where's your bathroom? I really have to pee" I say.

"I'll show you" she says.

Emma gets up and I get up following her.

"It's right-"

I feel a pop and a gush of warm liquid runs down my leg.

"My water just broke" Emma and I say in sync.

I pull my phone out and dial Michael's number.

"We're on are way back but there's been a car accident down the street so we're stuck in traffic" Michael says.

"Umm well mine and Emma's waters just broke so would you like try to hurry?" I say.

"What!?" Ashton yells.

Michael must've answered with the car so it's on speaker.

"I'm gonna call Luke" I say.

"We'll meet you at hospital" Michael says before I hang up.

I dial Luke's number and he answers immediately.

"Hey" he answers.

"Luke! Please come to Ashton's and Emma's right now!" I breath.

"Why?" Luke asks. I can hear him getting his keys.

"Emma and I are in labor and Michael and Ashton are stuck in traffic" I say.

"Oh shit, I'll be right their" He says.

*4 Hours Later*
Ashton's POV

I kiss my daughters head a smile on my face.

Michael's POV

I sat in the waiting room stressing out.

The baby was coming out butt first so Lucy has to have a C-Section.

I'm really scared.

*30 Minutes Later*

I walk into the room and Lucy is laying on the bed holding our son. Liam Hemmings-Clifford.

"Hey" I smile.

"Hey" Lucy says.

I walk over to her and sit on the edge of the bed.

"Wanna hold him?" she asks.

"Sure" I reply.

Lucy carefully hands Liam to me and I smile.

"Hi buddy" I say.

*1 Year Later*
(Sorry for the time jump)
Nobody's POV

All the kids except the babies were now in school.

5SOS was currently in a meeting with Alice.

"Fans have been demanding another tour...."Alice said.

"We already discussed this" Ash said.

"I know" Alice says.

"We have families now and it's hard to be away from them" Cal says.

"I know, but unfortunately you have to go on another tour" Alice says.

"What!" Michael yells.

"I'm honestly sorry!" Alice says.

"It wasn't my decision" she adds.

"I tried to get you out of the tour, I actually had it pushed back for 6 months" she says.

"The kids are all in school!" Luke says.

"They can't go on a tour" he adds.

Chloe was at home laying in bed, she'd just woken up, a smile on her face as she remembered the things her and Luke had done the previous night.

She got up and headed into the bathroom to shower, after her shower she'd take Simba and Nemo for a walk.

Lucy was at home with a sick and cranky baby boy.

Luckily Liam didn't have the flu, but he did have an ear infection.

Ashlyn was out for a walk with Asher and Blue, she was walking to an ice cream store.

Melanie was out for coffee with Thomas, Thomas was eating bits of blueberry muffin that Melanie was breaking off for him.

Emma was out in the park taking pictures of nature and Ashley, she would be sending the nature pictures to her boss.

"Don't we get a say in this?" Luke asks.

"Due to the demand for another concert we had to say yes so no," Alice frowns.

"Unbelievable" Calum says shaking his head.

"What about our families?"

"I'm sorry but you're going on tour, without your families"

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