Character Answers #2

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Character answers #2!

Here is the answers to all the questions.


onedirection492 says "I'm so proud of you for getting over your stutter"

Chlo: *smiles widley* "Thank you so much"

KeeperOfTheFanfics says "Congrats Chlo!!! In so happy you got over your stutter, literally had an inside party!"

Chlo- "Thank you, hope the party was fun!"

KeeperOfTheFanfics asks "How does it feel to watch the other girls become pregnant, knowing all the struggles?"

Chlo- "It was pretty funny to be honest, I laughed at their complaining but would also take them out in the middle of the night if they had a craving and their sleepy grumpy boyfriend wouldn't"


KeeperOfTheFanfics says "I know they made you punch Luke a lot but can you please kiss Michael once for me? :*"

Luc: "Of course! MICHAEL COME HERE"

Mikey: "Jesus what do you want?"

Luc: *Kisses Michael*

Mikey: *Smirks* "Damn what was that for?"

Luc: "That kiss was from KeeperOfTheFanfics "

Mikey: "KeeperOfTheFanfics you have really soft lips"

Luc: "You can leave now"


NotYourHood asks "Have you told fans about u and Calum dating?"

Lyn: "I know its been like a couple years of us dating but no, we still haven't told the fans, I don't want them to hate on me anymore then they already do, they'll also hate on Calum and I can't handle that, I also don't like the extra attention especially from the paps"


stalker_chick_101 asks "Are you still bi?"

Mel: "Yes I am still bi, I like girls and guys and I just so happened to fall in love with a man named Jasper"

KeeperOfTheFanfics says "I'm so happy you actually found a decent guy! I never liked Marie/Maria anyways..."

Mel: "Thank you, Jasper is a really nice guy and I can't wait to marry him" *kisses Jaspers cheek & laces their fingers together*


KeeperOfTheFanfics asks "Whats your next single gonna be called?"

Luc: "To be honest I have no idea...."

Mel: "We are trying to decide between 3 really good songs"

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