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I really hate when bitches sub tweet. @ me bitch!


Can this chapter get 30 comments for an update tomorrow?

Sorry if this chapter is that good.

Chapter Twenty Six
Chloe's POV

Luke and I walked into the living room and everyone stared at Luke who held Arielle.

"I-I can you take her back please" Luke whispered.

I frown and nod taking Arielle from him and sitting down on the couch.

"Did anyone else get an envelope?" Luke asks.

"No" they all reply.

I open the purple envelope.

"Dear Chloe, Y-You're lucky-your baby was in bed with y-you or else it would be with us. Better keep an eye on h-her love Parker" I read.

Luke opens the red envelope and takes out a piece of paper.

"Dear Chloe," Luke reads and I gulp.

"As you may know, all the babies are gone. They are with their mothers. If you're wondering how we got them it was actually really easy. Someone in your house isn't whom they seem to be," Luke reads.

"What!?" Melanie yells.

Marie grasps Melanie's hand tightly.

"I'm sorry about getting Maria, Cecilia's mother, to shoot you. I know it was wrong but I don't want you starting a family unless it's with me. Now about the babies lives, I know Maria will take care of Cecelia very well, Tiffany she, well I don't know? She's very forgetful but I'm sure Bradley will be fine," Luke reads.

"Oh my god" Ashton cries.

"Skyler is a horrible person, if the twins get on her nerves who knows what she'll do to them, and Alicia...she's not allowed to be left alone in a room with a child...due to past events and deaths," Luke reads pausing.

"Now if you want your babies back I suggest Chloe breaks up with Luke and comes back to me...if Chloe isn't back in my bed by the end of the week a baby will die"

"Oh my god" Michael cries.

"Love, Parker, Alicia, Skyler, & Maria aka Marie" Luke finish.

Nobody's POV

"Marie?" Melanie whisper.

Everyone turn to face her.

"You lied to me!" Melanie cries.

"I'm sorry!" Maria cries.

"No you're not! You used me and took the babies!" Melanie yelled.

"I had no other choice! I was protecting my daughter!" Maria yells.

Calum walks up to her and clenches his fist.

"You may have given birth to her but you are definitely not her mother!" He spits.

Maria looks at him as tears stream down her face.

"You gave up your rights to her, don't you dare call her your daughter because she's not!" he yells.

"I didn't have a choice!"

"Bullshit" Calum snaps.

"Someone call the police" Ashlyn says.

"No!" Maria yells.

"Fuck you" Calum says and pulls out his phone.

He begins to dial the police when Maria pulls out a gun.

"I can't let you do that!" Maria says.

Chloe's eyes widen.

Luke quickly sits in front of Chloe protecting her and their daughter.

Chloe pulls out her phone and turns the ringer down and puts it on silent before calling the police and pressing call.

She couldn't bring the phone to her ear or else Maria would see.

"Whoa! Put the gun down!" Ashton says.

"I can't do that either" Maria laughs slightly.

"You just don't get it do you!?" Maria yells.

"You weren't supposed to date her Calum!" Maria yells.

"We were supposed to be together and raise Cecilia"

"But you had to go and ruin everything!" Maria yells holding the gun to Calum's head.

"This is your fault Calum" Maria whispers.

"You're jealous aren't you" Calum smirks.

Everyone's eyes widen.

They want to know what the fuck Calum is doing!?

Why is he saying that!?

It'll only anger Maria and she's currently holding a gun to his head.

"What? No" Maria yells.

"That was my plan" he says winking, Maria doesn't notice his wink.

"I wanted to make you jealous to see if you liked me, I love you Maria" Calum says.

"You...You do?" Maria asks slightly moving the gun away from his head.

Melanie pulls her phone out slowly and Maria notices.

"Drop your phone or I'll shot him!" She yells.

"Don't think I won't! I already shot Chloe and he'll be next" Maria yells.

"Yes I love you so much" Calum says.

"I want to raise Cece with you, marry you" Calum says.

"Really?" Maria asks lowering the gun.

"Yes really" Calum smiles.

Maria smiles. She kisses Calum and he kisses Maria back.

"I know where Cecelia is, we can go get her and be a family" Maria says.

"Where is she? I can go get her and you can stay here and relax!" Calum says.

"I can't tell you" Maria smiles.

"Why not?" Calum asks.

Maria smirks evilly and places the end of the gun on Calum's forehead.

"Because you don't love me" she says.

"You are a horrible liar Calum" Maria says.

"And I'm going to kill you" she smirks.

Maria's finger reaches the trigger as the front door burst open.

"This is the police drop your weapon!"

Q1- If you woke up as your fav what would you do?

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