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Chapter Fourteen
*2 Hours Later*
Chloe's POV

"The baby's fine" The doctor said.

A smile grew on my face and Luke hugged me.

The doctor walked away and we headed to the hotel.

On our way back my phone rang, it was Emma.

"Emma?" I answer.

"Chlo! Come get me and Cecilia! We're at the beach" Emma says before there's a splash and the phone goes dead.

"Sir um please drive t-to t-the nearest b-beach as fast as y-you can? W-We'll pay y-you t-triple!" I say.

*5 Minutes Later*

I run onto the beach and see Emma running towards us.

My eyes widen.

"Emma no!" I scream.

Parker fires his gun shooting Emma in the stomach, she falls to the ground with Cecilia.

Oh my god!

*2 Hours Later*

"Chloe! Luke!" Ashton calls.

I look towards him.

Calum turns the corner and spots me.

"Oh my god"

He runs towards me and takes Cecilia out of my arms hugging her tightly.

"Where's Emma?" Ashton asks.

"In surgery" I say.

He runs his hands through his hair and Ashlyn hugged him.

*2 Week's Later*
Luke's POV

"Luke!" Chloe yells.

"I'm coming" I yell.

I just put Zoella down for her nap and now Chloe and I are heading to her doctors appointment where we will hopefully find out the gender of the baby.

We have a 3 day break so we flew back to our Canada house which has become just our house.

*25 Minutes Later*

"Would you like to know the gender of the baby?" the doctor asked.

Chloe looked at me and nodded.

"Yes" I say.

"It's a girl" the doctor says.

I smile at Chloe and kiss her head.

"I'll print you a picture"

*40 Minutes Later*

"So what is it?" Lucy asks as soon as we walk into the house.

"Luke please tell me it's a boy! Their's to many girls!" Ashton says.

I laugh and nod at Chloe.

"It's a girl" she blushes.

"Fuck" Michael curses.

"No!" Everyone shouts.

"Fuck!" Cecilia says.

"Cece why?" Calum groans.

"Birdy!" She laughs.

"Yeah you are a bird, you're a parrot" Calum says.

I shake my head smiling.

"Have you thought of names?" Emma asks from her spot on the couch.

She slowly sits up being careful do to the fact that she had a bullet removed from her body and is now stitched up.

"No" I say and Chloe shakes her head.

"Better get thinking, you'll be pop-in her out in 4-5 more months" Emma says.

"Don't stress it, it only took me 5 minutes to pick a name" Calum says.

"That's because you're Calum" Emma says.

"Fine. Luke pick a name! You have 10 seconds go"






"Arielle" I say.

"I like t-that" Chloe smiles.

I lean in to hear ear.

"Is that gonna be her name?" I whisper.

Chloe nods and pecks my lips.

"Bad!" Cecilia yells.

"No!"she says.

"Good girl Cece, no kissing boys! Or girls...no kissing anybody" Calum says.

"Arielle" I say and wrap my arms around Chloe resting my hands on her bump.

"We should go rehearse" Ashton says.

I nod. We head into the basement and set our stuff up before practicing our songs.

Chloe's POV

I sit down on the couch and put my feet up resting my hands on my stomach.

"How you feelin' Chlo?" Lucy asks.

I shrug. "T-Tired, feet h-hurt, back h-hurts, h-hungry" I say.

The girls laugh.

"I'll get you some food, what do you want?" Ashlyn asks.

"Pickles would b-be nice" I smile.

"Alright I'll get some" she says.

"Are you excited about being a mum?" Melanie asks.

"I don't know, kinda scared" I say.

"You'll be an amazing mum, you're already a great mum to Zoella" Lucy says.

I smile and open my mouth to speak when I let out a gasp and look down at my stomach.

"Chlo? What's wrong?" Emma asks.

"Get Luke" I breath.

"Why? Chloe what's wrong?!" Melanie asked.

"Arielle kicked!" I say.

Melanie and Lucy ran towards the balcony and opened the door.

"LUKE! LUKE! LUKE!" They shout.

"What?" Luke asks into the microphone.

"Come here now!" They yell.

"Why?" he asks.

"Arielle's kicking!" They squeal.

"Arielle? Oh! Arielle!" He says forgetting and I roll my eyes.

"Wait what!? She's kicking!" he yells.

I look towards the basement stairs door and it flies open.

Luke runs over and sits beside me. I take his hand and place it in the spot that Arielle is kicking.

"Oh my god, this is amazing" he whispers.

I look down at my stomach smiling as does Luke and someone takes a picture.

I know someone took a picture because there phone was not on silent.

I knew that person was going to tweet that picture so I wait for their notification to pop up and click it.

@.Ashton5SOS: Somebody started to kick!! *Image*

I look over to Emma.

"H-Hey once you get pregnant Ash w-will document every second" I joke.

Emma laughs. "No kidding, he'll probably make a film!" She laughs.

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