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Chapter Four
Michael's POV

Long story short, Alice was really angry at us since since we are losing a ton of fans.

Alice blamed everything on Chloe resulting in Chloe ending up in tears.

That pissed Luke off and ended in him screaming at Alice, the babies crying, and Alice threatening Chloe.

Chloe won't tell anyone what Alice threatened her with but it must be pretty serious because Chloe isn't talking to anyone.

*1 Day Later*

I snapped the picture and attached it to my tweet.

@.Michael5SOS: Meet my babies Nadia and Aidan ❤️🍼

Fans started to freak out which I expected.

Bradley lets out a loud cry from the living room before Zoella begins to cry from the Chloe and Ashlyn's room and the twins start to cry causing Cecilia to cry from Chloe and Ashlyn's room.

Calum begins to cry in the room next to me, he's having a hard time dealing with all of this.

I pick up Nadia and begin to rock her.

"Lucy I need help" I call.

"M'busy" she yells.

"Lucy" I whine.

"I'm on Brad duty" she replies.

I frown.

Bradley acquires a lot of attention or he cries causing all the babies to cry.

The girls take turns looking after him.

Aidan let out another loud cry and I frown.

"Mel" I call.

She appears in the door frame.

"Sorry I'm looking after Cecilia since Lyn went out"

I sigh, I can't do this on my own.

A tear rolls down my cheek as I continue to rock Nadia trying to get her to stop crying.

Aidan's cry's begin to die down and I look towards his crib confused.

Chloe was standing there hold him and rocking him.

"Thank you" I smile.

"Welcome" Chloe replies.

The suite became silent as all the cries stopped, including Calum's.

*2 Days Later*
Chloe's POV

"There are so many noise complaints being made by guests at the hotel so you're all flying out to stay in on of your house in Canada" Alice said.

"We have a house in Canada?" Luke says.

Alice sighed. "Yes you do"

"Alice, babies on a plane are probably worse than snakes on a plane!" Ashton said.

"Bro are you kidding, snakes on a plane is way worse! At least babies aren't trying to eat you" Calum says.

"Dude shut up" Ashton snaps.

"You'll be flying on a private jet so the babies can't disturb anyone" Alice said.

"When?" I ask.

"In 3 days, the house is fully furnished, Luke and Chloe will share a room, Michael and Lucy will share a room, Calum and Ashlyn will share a room, Ashton sorta has his own room, Melanie has her own room, and I assumed Emma was going to go with you so Emma has her own room, all the babies have their own rooms except for the twins"

We all nodded before we went back to our hotel.

*8 Hours Later*

"Be fine, back soon" I promised and Luke pecked my lips before I left in search of Calum.

He'd stormed out of the hotel and has been gone for 6 hours.

I run down the street and headed towards a park.

I began to walk down the path towards a lake and spotted Calum sitting on a bench.

I walked over to him and sat down beside him.

"How do you always find me?" He asks without even glancing towards me.

"Twins Cal, know w-where like to g-go" I say.

We sat in silence until I spoke up.

"Know it's hard, Cece needs someone t-to take care of h-her" I say.

"It's not that" Calum sighs.

I stay silent and wait for him to speak again.

"I'm getting so much hate on twitter and it's so hard, over a million fans have already turned on us and that number is increasing" Calum says.

"Not just your fault" I say.

Calum looks up at me with teary eyes.

"I want to go home, I want mum" he almost whispers tears escaping from his eyes.

My heart aches at the sight of him like this.

I quickly wrap my arms around Calum and pull him in for a hug.

He sniffles.

"Let's go back t-to hotel, talk" I say.

Calum nods and grabs my hand.

I give him a small smile before we walk back to the hotel.

*10 Minute's Later*

Calum and I walked into the hotel room and immediately everyone tried to talk to him.

I put my hand up telling them to be quiet and walked Calum into his hotel room before closing the door.

"Why don't w-we skype mum?" I say.

Calum nods slowly.

I open his laptop that was sitting on his bed and set it on the desk in the room.

I pull up the chairs and tell Calum to sit down.

I text mum and tell her to get on skype.

Calum signs onto skype and so does mum.

Calum wipes his cheek as another tear escape.

He clicks on mum and it connects.

I say a quick hi to my mum before I leave the room to give them some space to talk.

"What is he doing?" Ashlyn asks.

"Talking to our mum" I reply.

"Why?" Michael asks.

"Because he's upset and he needs her right now, he's trying to be okay with all of this but it's really hard on him he counts every un-follower and thinks it's because of him"

"Really?" Luke asks.

I nod.

"He broke down crying in the park, he just needs some time alone, unless he wants to be with someone"

With that I walked into my room to take a nap well the babies were sleeping.

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