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Chapter Thirty Two
Chloe's POV

"Come on Zoe" I say.

"We have to leave!"

"Coming mum!" Zoella yells running down the stairs.

We head out to the car and get in. Zoe buckles herself before I drive to her gymnastics class.

*2 1/2 Hours Later*

"Mummy I don't feel good" Zoella says as I drive back home.

"We're almost home okay-" I was saying but am cut off by the sound of Zoella vomiting in the back of the car.

"I throwed up" Zoe says.

"I know" I say opening the car windows a little even though it's cold out.

I park in the driveway and help Zoella out of the car.

"Go right up to your bathroom when we get inside okay?" I say.


I unlock the front door and Zoe takes her boots off.

We head upstairs and Zoe heads towards her bathroom.

"I'll be right there okay Zoe" I say.


I walk into the Cuke bedroom and Luke walks out of the bathroom.

"Luke" I say.

He turns to me.

"Zoella threw up in the back of the car....can you go clean it?" I say.

"Oh....sure" he says.

He kisses my cheek before heading outside to clean the car.

I head into Zoella's bathroom and turn the shower on for her.

I help her wash before she gets out and I help her get dressed in some nice soft pjs.

"Can I sleep with you and daddy?" she asks sleepily.

"You said tomorrow and that's today" she adds letting out a yawn.

"Okay" I say.

*1 Hour Later*

Everyone was finally asleep, well not the adults.

We were sat in the living room without kids pets on our laps.

"We're all gonna get sick" Melanie says.

"Ugh" Michael groans.

Little footsteps can be heard coming down the stairs.

We all turn to see who it is.

Nadia was standing there in her light blue onesie with messy hair holding her teddy bear.

"Daddy Aidan throwed up again" she says.

"In my bed" she adds.

"What was he doing in your bed?" Lucy asked.

"He had a bad dream so I let him sleep with me" she yawns.

"Can I sleep with you and daddy?" she asks.

"Alright, come on" Lucy says.

Someone starts to cry upstairs.

"Bradley shut the hell up I'm trying to sleep here!" Cecilia yells.

Calum sighs.

"At least she didn't say-"

"Bradley I said shut the fuck up, please!"


"At least she said please!" Melanie says.

"God damn! Bradley shut up!"

"If you don't shut up right now I'm divorcing you!"

"Noo! I love you" Bradley cries.

"Oh my god" I laugh.

"Uncle Ash make him shut up please" Cecilia yells.

Ashton gets up heading upstairs to see why Bradley is crying.

Someone walks down the stairs.

"Mummy daddy, El is jumping on her bed and I can't sleep"

I turn the baby monitor on, on my phone, it's a camera one so you can see.

Arielle was jumping on her bed.

Luke gets up and grabs Zoella's hand.

"Come on" he says.

He takes her back upstairs and I assume that he puts her back in our bed.

"Ugh I'm too tired to walk up the stairs" Emma groans.

I laugh.

I get up holding Nemo, I set him down on the ground and open the back door.

All the dogs jump off the guys and girls laps before running outside.

My phone rings from the couch.

"Someone answer it please" I say from the kitchen.

"Hello?" Calum answers.

"Who is it?" I ask walking towards him.

"An inmate from prison would like to speak to you, press 1 to accept, charges will apply" a robotic voice says.

I grab my phone from Calum and quickly hang it up.

I do not need to speak to or even hear the voice of whoever was calling.

I let the dogs back in wiping their paws before I put Nemo and Simba in their cages for the night.

I head upstairs and into the Cuke bedroom heading into the washroom.

Luke was vomiting.

"Oh great" I say.

"Hey you're not the one puking" Luke whines.

"Do you want me to go downstairs and get you some Advil or Gravel?" I ask.

"Yes please" Luke says.

I head back downstairs and grab the Gravel.

"Lucifer is sick?" Michael asks.

"Yep" I say.

I head back upstairs and hand Luke the gravel.

Q- What would you do if 5SOS picked you to go on stage? (I want to be picked tomorrow but I hope I'm not cause I can't play a guitar or bass or drums and my voice is horrible)

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