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(In malum its a capital i not an L)

If I get wifi I'll be tweeting pics and updates of me freaking out!

Can this chapter get 30 comments for an update tomorrow?

Something big happens in this chapter!!!

Also only 4 more chapters till this book ends!

Chapter Thirty Three
*2 Weeks Later*
Chloe's POV

Zoella turned 4 a couple days ago.

She had a dance party, and by dance party I mean her and the other kids ate pizza and played just dance 2019.

(A/N: Guys, Ashton and Ashlyn are 25! Michael, Melanie, and Emma are 24! Calum, Chloe, Luke, and Lucy are 23!! I'm literally crying!)

Ashlyn, Lucy, Emma, and I are currently sat at the kitchen table trying to teach the kids how to write, what letters and numbers are and other stuff.

"Cecilia what starts with the letter A?" Ashlyn asks.

"Ass!" Cece yells.

"Well....yes it does....but..um you can't say that at school okay" Ashlyn says.

"Nadia what starts with the letter B?" Lucy asks.

"Bitches!" Cece says.

"Cece she asked Nadia but yes you were right again, and you can't say those words at school" Ashlyn says.

"Bradley starts with a B" Nadia says.

"Good job!" Lucy says.

"Aidan you have to stay in the lines!" Lucy adds.

I glance down at Zoe's writing.

"Zoe that says Zebra, you were supposed to write Zoella" I say.

"Who can write their name?" Ashlyn asks.

Everyone raises their hands.

"Okay, one at a time go write your name on the whiteboard" Ashlyn says.

Cecilia goes over to the white board and picks up a blue marker before writing Cecelya on the board.

Ashlyn laughs quietly to herself.

"Not like that Cece, like this" she says and writes Cecilia on the chalk bored.

Next Bradley goes up and he writes Bradley, the twins go up together and write their names.

Zoella goes up and writes Zoelle.

"Zoe it's supposed to be an A at the end not an E" I say.

"Ooh oops!" she says before correcting it.

"Alright that's good enough go play!" Ashlyn says.

We head into the basement as the kids run after their pets.

The boys were supposed to be packing their stuff but of course they were hard at work playing video games.

Only Ashton was packing.

"Michael, we're moving out tomorrow! We still need to pack the twins room and all the dogs stuff!"

We're all moving out, the kids aren't happy, they don't want to leave their tree house but they'll get over it.

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