I love YOU okay? (eNVy)

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Requested by no one, its by me:)
Fluff and maybe angst?
I feed dem eNVy shippers. I hope.

After V went hunting and flew towards the landing pod, of course she saw N and Uzi hanging out, having the time of their lives. V felt a wave of jealousy wash through her and just went to a nearby building and went on top of it, sitting on the very edge, watching the stars.

V tried to deny the fact that she is jealous or that she likes N. She could never make N happy the way Uzi does so she just distances herself from them both to avoid any conflict.

Angry tears welled up on V's visor, she fought it and just reflected on life, looking up at the stars, putting her head on her bended knee.

"Why can't I just be me? Like the times on earth, everything was so simple." V thought, sighing. She then brought out her claws on her right arm, looking at her reflection on it, all she saw is a genocidal monster. V switched her claws to a hand again, regretting everything, the countless drones she's killed for fun.. Pushing N away.

V winces at the thought of all the things she did but before she could reflect even more, she heard faint footsteps behind her, her eyes turned to an X, stood up, pointing her gun arms at the noise.

V stood down, realizing it was N and just sat down again, trying to show she's annoyed.

N sat beside V, akwardly, having a good distance between them both.

"Soooo-" N said trying to make up a conversation before V interrupted

"What do you want, N? Go away if it's nothing important." V growled angrily but in the inside, she was slightly relieved that N was here but she's mad again at herself for telling him to go away.

"Nuh-uh.. I'm not going anywhere this time, V." N said, crossing his arms.

"Then what is it?" V asked, "impatient".

N panicked, thinking of what to say before blurting out something.

"I want to hang out with you!" He covered his mouth, blushing, realizing at what he's said, knowing V will reject the offer.

V slightly perked up at that, trying to not smile but the smile won anyway.

"Biscuits.." N muttered. "Why did you look so sad earlier?" N asked.

V got nervous and just retorted, "None of your business."

"I can comfort you if you want." N shyly offered, fiddling with his fingers.

V didn't budge even though she wants to tell N everything but she finally gave in.
"Are you sure you want to know?" V asked N, shyly, blushing slightly.

N tilted his head a bit at the sudden blush and shyness and nodded his head, "I love doing anything!"

V chuckled which was a rare thing to hear. "I miss the times when we were still on Earth. It's just peaceful even though we were always working and drones getting sent to the crows."

N smiled, gazed at V for a while before looking back to the sky, "Me too, V.."

"Anyway, weren't you hanging out with your girlfriend?" V asked N jokingly even though it hurt her.

N blushed a lot but from embarrassment. He scratched his neck and chuckled nervously.

"No.. Uzi had to go back to the colony. Plus, I don't like her, romantically... But I love her as a friend!" N beamed

V felt a bit of relief and N asked V, "Hey so.. Do you like anyone.. now?"

"No.. why?" V said, obviously lying since the blush on her visor was VERY visible.

"Because I do..." N said, fiddling with his fingers.

"Oh? Who might that be?" V asked N, rolling her eyes in sarcasm. However, in the inside, she was rooting that it was her.

N was suprised that V was actually interested in it so he didn't think twice before blurting out.

"It's you!"

N realized what he said and muttered.

V blushed way too much yellow on her visor that she probably was overheating.

"W-wait what?!" V screamed in shock but she was actually happy in the inside.

N looked down in shame and continued fiddling with his fingers and muttered loud enough for V to hear.

"Yeah.. sorry... I shouldn't have said that.. You probably hate me even more..."

V's face softened and sat closer to him, punching his shoulder, playfully but gently.

"Nah.. I don't.. In fact, I love you.. too?" V said, way too wholsome for her liking but it felt good.

N looked up at her with stars in his eyes, his tail wagging so fast and grinning from end to another since he don't got ears. (I think)

"Really?!" N screamed it so loud that the whole Copper9 can hear.

V was suprised and looked at him judgingly with a blush still on her visor.

"Yeah.. So what? Its not like.. You can LOVE me."

N's face softened and his tail stopped wagging and comforted V, hugging her from her back, nuzzling his face into her neck.

"I love YOU, V.. okay? More than anything in the universe. I love you..." N softly said and V just broke down and hugged his arms.

They stayed in this position, N giving occasional kisses on V's neck but V didn't dare move, letting N kiss her as much as he wanted to.

"Feeling better?" N asked V looking up at her since his head was still down on her neck.

V slightly blushed at his adorable face and nodded, a bit embarrassed.

"Yeah... Thanks, N.. I guess.."

N grinned again and his tail started wagging again.

"Don't need to be so embarrassed V! I heard when people confess their love to eachother, that means they're called boyfriend, girlfriend, right? I don't get the term a lot but we'll make it work!" N said.

V rolled her eyes, smiling and embracing N's head with her left hand. "You're such a dummy."

"Love you too!" N said, still grinning.

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