You're Mine. (Yandere Uzi) pt.1

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I made a yandere eNVy so why not make Nuzi before I continue the hallway crush? Also, I don't have any energy to make this better so.. yeah. Sorry

Enjoy, cringe, cry, die, you get the gist 👍👍👍

Uzi has been feeling some weird feelings for N. Heck, she doesn't even know why and yet, she has grown clingy and protective over N. N found this pretty endearing and sweet but sometimes, it was too much that even V ignores him altogether.

The worker girl found herself falling for the disassembly boy. N was just so sweet, caring, sympathetic, adorable, and just irresistible in Uzi's eyes but little did she know, it was much, much more than just "falling in love". However, sometimes, N wants to avoid Uzi because of her suffocating clinginess and protectiveness. He was new to this kind of "issue" so he didn't know what to do and just lets it happen oblivious to the consequences.

Love is such a stupid yet blinding thing when it isn't true. Who can help it when they're new to this kind of concept?

One day, while Uzi was at school, N took this time to escape her grasp and just take some alone time. It's been a while since he has been alone ever since Uzi came into his life so it was inevitable that he forgot how calming it was where no one was there to watch your every move. He found himself walking around the campsite where Uzi got into her solver form since he knows that Uzi would never go to the same place where she had trauma with unless it's for her "investigations".

As N sat on a cliff watching the view, he thought about Uzi's new behaviour. He knows he loves her but sometimes, he wishes that Uzi would just be her normal self again. Edgy and non affectionate so he would be the one who will give and show his love. What if Uzi did love  him back? Would he continue loving her when he barely recognized her? It was selfish when you think about it. N always loved Uzi ever since he went to prom with her and now when she reciprocated those feelings and affection, he strays away because that's not what he wants.

After a while of contemplating, N sighed and stood up, getting his wings out and taking off back to the spire to wait for Uzi so he could talk to her about her sudden clinginess and other matters.


Time ticked slowly for Uzi. So very slowly. An hour for each period in school felt like an eternity. Uzi just wished she could stay with her N forever. Protect him and pay the affection back for all the times he did it to her.

Everytime N crossed Uzi's mind, he always manages to make her swoon. Uzi couldn't even focus on the lesson anymore so she just abruptly stood up and excused herself for the bathroom even though drones don't need it. She needed her N. Now. She needed to see him. To make sure he's safe.

Uzi ran to the corpse spire, ignoring any protests against the elder workers back in the colony doors. Once she got there, N was there... Talking to V. A heavy pang of jealousy happened. Uzi's visor glitched as time went on. As N and V talked. The worker shuffled towards them, every step painful and driven by some force telling Uzi to keep going. To keep V away from N. To keep N to herself. He's hers and hers alone.

"You're mine." Uzi thought

Then N turned his head to look at Uzi. He felt his tail shoot up and eyes hollow at Uzi's face. It just has possessiveness written all over her.

"N... Come over here. Please." Uzi said through gritted teeth.

V raised an eyebrow and put a hand on her hips as she looked at Uzi.

"Uzi? What's wrong with you?" V asked.

"Bite me. Get away from N and everything will be fine." Uzi said flatly, looking down at her feet while her anger and jealousy bubbled inside her.

"Geez. Fine." V scoffed and was about to fly away until Uzi's tail bit on her arm and threw her down to the ground. "Gah!- Uzi what the hell?!" V screamed while N looked in horror, unsure of what to do.

Uzi giggled and looked down at V like a mad woman, a fanged grin on her face and an absolute solver visor on one of her eyes. When Uzi was about to pounce, N grabbed Uzi from behind, internally panicking while V stood up, glaring at Uzi.

"Uzi! No! Don't! Don't do this again!" N pleaded, his grip tightening on Uzi's body as she squirmed and flayed her arms towards V, shouting.

"ARGH! BITE ME! LET ME GO! LET ME- ARGGHHHHH!" Uzi screamed at N, her solver form glitching to the surface.

"Uzi! Please!" N shouted, begging Uzi to stop but then he felt himself fling towards the floor and Uzi was in her full solver form now pouncing on V, jabbing V's tail repeatedly on her core and face, severely injuring V.

N tensed up, trying to pry and pick Uzi up but the worker just wouldn't stop making V scream in agony. N shouted and shouted but Uzi wouldn't stop until V's visor shower "fatal error". Uzi finally stopped and stood up like a gremlin, looking at N through her solver symbol eye on her visor. N gasped at his friend dead and on the floor, murdered brutally by his love interest. Did he really love Uzi now?

As N looked at Uzi horrified, the worker soon got her wings and tail tucked back in to the shadow realm. Uzi turned around and stared at V's corpse, starting to regret everything. What happened? What did she do..? Uzi realized what she's done. She murdered V. Uzi could never face N again after this. She didn't even look at him when she took off and locked herself in her bedroom at the colony, leaving N in disbelief and heartbreak over his other bestfriend dying over his bestest friend.

N had to talk to Uzi... That's what he does but after this? He's not sure if he could even do that anymore...

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