"My appreciation letter for Doors" (KhanxDoor)

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This is kind of requested by @Jen-Jager875 (idk why it's not at-ting)

This is Khan's POV

Enjoy, cringe, cry, die, you get the gist 👍👍👍

"Dear Doors...
I love you so much! You protect us from the nasty murder drones that my daughter loves so much! You are my real daughter! I absolutely love you.. you are so rectangular and big!

I could make out with you all day and even take top that I wish I could do so much because back then, while Nori and I were making Uzi, she always had to take top and never let me be it! She always says 'Khan! No! You'll be horrible at it!" And scowls at me.

Dear doors, you have been the light of my day ever since Nori died! Don't mind my fake daughter that I neglect so dearly. She's just jealous I love you so much and I don't even give a single d@mn about her. That purple bullied short stack is such a failure! Always failing classes that I excel in! Who even these days fail doornogrotomy?! It's such an easy subject! Even Uzi herself told me she'll come back from the outside to measure the exteriors of door one but came back with murder drones!! Tch! FAILURE!

Oh doors, you are just so submissive and hot. Definitely amazing. If only I discovered how amazing you are before met Nori, then that purple excuse of a FAILURE wouldn't be sitting right here in the stadium chairs beside her murder drone twink boyfriend!"

Khan called out to Uzi from the stage, pointing a finger at her. Everyone in the stadium looked at Uzi who was at the very back row beside her so called twink "boyfriend" who was looking down at Uzi, oblivious to the situation. Uzi scoffed and stood on the chairs, screaming at her dad from across the room.


Khan rolled his eyes and continued.

"Yeah, okay. Anyways, back to doors.

Dear doors... You are not a failure, don't worry. Unlike my so called daughter who is very much so a FAILURE!

I just wanted to say, I love you with all of my heart and I wish you could be by my side forever, giving us safety and reassurance.

Unlike my FAILURE daughter who is bringing the danger in!!

Anyways, good night, everyone!"

Khan bowed and the audience inside the stadium applauded Khan's very interesting speech about Doors. As Khan whistled to himself and prepared to get off the stage, the projector suddenly turned on, revealing a Khan in only boxers (to not make him really naked even though he doesn't wear them entirely but just pretend) riding a door on his bed.

The audience gasped in horror, how could Khan travel this far?! Then there was Uzi snickering and giggling like the adorable and evil mad woman she is, hacking the projector from the back of the screen with N beside her, offering silent cheering on. Khan was horrified, desperately trying to cover up the screen that's a million times bigger than him while the security video kept playing and the audience started to leave the stadium. That was the downfall of Khan's popularity.

Door sales went down but Khan still had his friends and his Door. So everything's fine.

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