What even are you to me? (some Human AU)

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This is inspired by Kiss it better by FlakyFlitz. Very awesome book and I need more so I thought "why not make my own?". And yes, I am like that. If there's no next chapter, I write my own. Let's get to the story, enjoy, cringe, cry, die, you get the gist 👍👍👍

Copper 9 is a town/city here.
Edited so it's different from before ✅

Morning rays streamed through the openings of the black curtains in a girl's room. She rolled over to the right side of her bed and slapped her blaring alarm clock while she groaned and lazily raised her head to check the time.

"Ughhhhhhhh..." She groaned. "Another crappy day to live through." She said, her voice muffled as she buried her face into her pillow.

This angsty, purple, secretly wonderful, issue-driven mess is Uzi Doorman. Daughter of Khan Doorman, leader of the WDF. Or Worker Defense Force. Yep, though a leader, pretty cowardly. Kind of Copper9's government.

Enough about the pathetic excuse of a dad and about Uzi. She is a 16 year old girl that attended high school. She lost her mom, Nori at a pretty young age. Despite everyone knowing she's Khan's daughter, her classmates pick on her since she is a 'freaky' person but Uzi bites back but that didn't really help at all. Uzi is such a 'bark and bite' lady that even the teachers don't give a d@mn about her.

One probably good thing about Uzi's social life is her childhood friend, Thad. They weren't really the best of friends because their parents were only together at business meetings and things like that for only a certain time and eventually had to part ways. Thad joined Lizzy's gang but never bullied Uzi nor defended her in fear of having the same fate as Uzi.

For this school year, Uzi doesn't think the same as before, being that "optimistic ray of sunshine"? Set that sail to the farthest destination! She never once thought or even tried to be that. It never works. Society just pushes you farther down the road.

Inside the classroom, Uzi settled down in her chair at the first row of all rows because her father tinkered with some stuff in hopes of getting her to attend more in class. The teacher, Sir Viam, spoke up at his desk while having the same monotone voice as always.

"Alright class... settle down." He said, taking a sip from his white coffee mug that has 'Insane Women are just ✨' in black, plastered on the front.

This is what Uzi's classroom is like. Tons of commotion. I don't even need to state what "kinds" of commotion are there, all kinds of kids exist here. The popular gang, jocks, pick-me's, heartthrobs, geeks, you name it. But lookie here, a tall student stands at the doorway, holding the strap of his backpack that's slung over her shoulder. Definitely the tallest as Uzi scanned her eyes at him.

This guy has silver hair, a black hat with a yellow pin attached, an albino judging from his pale complexion, and pale eyes or maybe he's just a really pale person. He was peacefully looking over the classroom until two girls shoved past him, finding seats a couple rows behind Uzi. One had auburn hair into twintails and the other had light brown in a bobcut. They studied in the same school as Uzi for the past year but never became her classmates until now. For some reason, the three of them all looked so fair compared to Uzi who had tan skin and black hair.

Silver hair strided to an empty seat beside Uzi in few steps and she looked up at the guy, not expecting someone to sit beside her.

"Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm Noah! What's yours?" The boy chirped, cocking his head a bit, still not sitting down.

Uzi stared at him for a few moments before speaking in her bored tone as always. "Uzi."

Noah's eyebrows shot up, interested. "From what I recall, it's also the name of a gun, right?"

Uzi nodded and replied, looking in front of her again. "Yep."

But even when Uzi was ignoring Noah now, he was still eyeing at her intentively, as if wanting a snack that could only be given by her.

"What do you want Noah?" Uzi gazed back up at the guy.

"May I sit?" He responded and Uzi draws back a bit, she arched an eyebrow before she nodded at Noah.

Noah gleefully settled his bag beside his chair and interlocked his fingers together on his desk, still staring at Uzi as if he's expecting something. This weirded Uzi out. A lot. She turned her head away from Noah and cleared her throat.

"So.." Uzi fumbled with the bobble of her beanie with her fingers while her elbow was propped up on her desk, not sure why she's even trying to engage in conversation.

"So you're the daughter of Khan Doorman from what I heard! That's pretty cool!" He said,  his bubbly demeanor and loud voice never-ending.

"Noah! What did we say about your volume?!" The girl with pigtails slammed her fist on her desk, definitely angry with her tone and expression.

Noah flinched and Uzi winces, turning her gaze away from the angry girl.

"Sorry Jay!" Noah called out but the same girl retorted. "Shut up!"

Uzi's sympathy somewhat rekindled and turned to Noah, feeling sorry for him?

"What was that about?" Her tone soft.

"Nothing. Jay just... She doesn't like it when I step out of line." Noah shrugged and looked at Uzi in the eye. "No need to talk about it though! I'm a-okay!" He said, his voice happy again.

Sir Viam then blowed a whistle, catching the attention of everyone in the room.

"Hi class, this school year, it's a new school year, whatever. Hope you enjoyed vacation but honestly? I don't care. We don't have new students here but if you guys weren't so caught up in making out, bullying and gossiping, you would notice that the smart students from the other classes are now you're classmates to serve as officers or whatever you guys can't do. Congrats for Uzi socializing for the first time though. Alright, Jay, Venus and.. Noah. Get your lazy butts from the chair."

After another monotone speech from the Teacher, let's call him sir Viam (guess why I named him that), the 3 did stand up. There were 2 girls and of course, Noah. The first girl is Jay, she has light auburn twin tail hair and the tuxedo that became a dress looks like she's gone for work. The next girl is Venus, she has black, grayish hair that is in a bobcut and wears a motorcycle jacket and jeans. They wore shoes, of course. Then there's the cinnamon roll boy, Noah. He is just the average jock but not really cuz he's N and doesn't wear football clothes but just a gray jacket and jeans and shoes, duh.

I'm so good at describing (I am lying and laughing to myself), I hope it made you laugh. But don't worry, Noah has a shirt, he ain't opening the jacket though. Just closed. Don't be dirty.

Once Noah stood up and waved at everyone he saw, almost immediately, all the girls swooned over him. Uzi just raised an eyebrow at all of them.

Sir Viam: Alright, who would like to introduce themselves?

Noah: Can I?

Sir Viam: Okay, go ahead, Noah. I don't get paid enough to do this...

Noah: Hi everyone! I'm Noah Scotts and I love dogs, golden retrievers and biscuits! Thank you!

And just like that, Noah sat down feeling good about himself while Jay was snickering at his introduction.

Jay: Wow, synergestic liability! You just proved to me that you're more of a loser than I thought!

After that "clever" comment, then MAYBE the rest of the class would burst out in laughter but they couldn't, they didn't, and now Jay's gonna pay the price of being the one in shame, that gosh dang prideful dummy. (No offense, J lovers, this was for a reference)

Sir Viam: Yeah, whatever, Jay. Okay on to the lesson about why humans created the are you a robot test.

So far, this day has been the best out of all the days she has lived through and it's because of her new friend, Noah. This school year might not be so bad after all.

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