Mansion Era Pt1

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Enjoy zis new story with 1064 words!:D
Also how in the solver of the absolute fabric did we get this book a 100+ reads in less than a week? Wew:0 thanks y'all:DDD

PS: This is an AU where Uzi magically got teleported or somethin to the mansion of the DD(Disassembly Drone)s'. But if I say more, its spoilers;)

Uzi woke up with a splitting headache and as she sat up from her bed, she realized it WASN'T her bed. More like a wet.. crunchy... area? This is strange. Copper9 doesn't have any of those.

The girl stood up, looking around frantically realizing she wasn't on Copper9 at all. Rather on a pile of dead worker drones. And it was raining. How swell!

"Uh- I- Uh- WHERE THE #### AM I??" Uzi managed to scream THAT out but when she looked down at herself, she wasn't wearing any of her clothes. Actually, none of the dead corpses had clothes on. She panicked even more to thinking: "Who the hell would throw me out?! I didn't do anything besides being a pain in the ass!"

(Guys. Don't be dirty. I know you thought it. Drones don't got private parts, k? N just wears a frickin coat and nothing else so what's the trouble? Also, nobody wears pants [other than prom] so it's obvious. Exclude hUMaNs!, ofc)

Uzi let out an irritated groan and she heard some voices. She thought it could be a threat instead of help so she just quickly laid down on the pile and covered her face so that they won't see her glowing purple visor.

However, it didn't help that the fact the voices, a very... Australian, childish voice and serious, really bored voice came even closer. Uzi panicked and tried to stay still and the voices are right beside her body.

"Lookie here, J! I reckon this one's ain't so damaged! Lets go bring it back to the mansion!" The Australian voice said.

"Mansion?? Where are they going to take me?! Are they even talking about me??" Uzi thought.

"Yeah, seems like it, boss." The bored voice said and the Australian one immediately responded.

"Then chuck me a hand! Oh wait.. Nevermind. I forgot workers are as light as a feather."

Then Uzi felt her body being lifted off and tried to act as limp as possible. Heck, she even had to power herself off.

Inside of wherever the voices said, it turns out to be a bedroom with candles, dollhouses and other stuff in it. Tessa, the Australian one, powered the drone they found outside which is Uzi.

"Uhm... Tessa..? Are we sure this is a good idea..?" Another worker drone said. This one looks like a butler.

"Sure it is, N!" Tessa chirped, sounding confident as the loading screen of Uzi started to boot up.

N fiddled with his fingers and took a close look at the drone's visor. He tilted his head a bit and spoke to Tessa again.

"Its purple..? We rarely have purple worker drones.."

"Eh.. She must be like Cyn. No worries!" Tessa replied, patting N's head.

"Really? Hope not." J, the bored sounding voice said, leaning forward on the horse rocking chair.

"Oh shut it, J. We don't know that." Tessa replied, a bit irritated, facing J.

"Boss, sorry to break it to you but Cyn's the only one who has the odd eye color. This one ALSO has an odd eye color." J replied, making the horsey rock faster.

Tessa just rolled her eyes and turned her focus back on Uzi. Uzi's visor turn on completely. Her eyes went hollow, finding herself sitting on some table in somewhere she doesn't know.

"Heyyyy fella! I'm Tessa and I found you outside lookin' not so damaged so I figured to help you out a bit! This is gonna be your new home! I can't wait to bond with you!" Tessa introduced herself, excitedly while Uzi just looks at her blankly.

"Alrighty... N, go fetch me a maid costume, will ya? This one's ought to be a girl." Tessa ordered the butler and he did follow.

Later, N brought Tessa the maid costume and Tessa helped Uzi put on the dress.

"There ya go! Pretty lil thing. I just need a wig. Be right back." Tessa excused herself and opened a loose plank on the floor and fetched herself a silver wig. She put it on Uzi and was pretty proud of herself.

"Well! Now you're pretty one just like the others! So, do ya got a name?" Tessa asked Uzi, tilting her head a bit, hands behind her back.

Uzi snapped back to reality and tried to speak, her voicebox is a little busted up for a few tries and after a while she managed to speak out her name. "Uzi.."

"Ah! Named after a gun, I see. That's awesome!" The human girl said and put Uzi on the floor.

Uzi stumbled a bit, was about to fall when the butler, held her by the arms, helping her stand up a bit.

"Whoa! Close one!" N remarked with his adorable smile.

N and Uzi made eye contact for a bit and when they snapped back to reality, they both blushed and let go of eachother. N still stabilized Uzi though but after, he looked away, scratching his neck and Uzi just crossed her arms, looking at the floor.

Tessa and J just stood there, thirdwheeling before J broke the silence and got of the horsey.

"Its cute and all but sorry. I'd rather work all day than watch these two flirt. Synergistic liability already has the glasses girl and now he has two girls. Great." J made that snarky comment before walking out the door.

Uzi rolled her eyes and muttered, "Bite me..."

N saw how irritated Uzi was and nudged her shoulder gently. "Hey, Uzi. Its alright. Don't let J get you, she's been like this ever since she came here. Okay?"

N then continued in a more funny manner, moving his arms a bit goofily "Don't wanna mess up on the first day of the job!".

N earned a giggle from Uzi and replied to the butler boy, "Thanks! And you are...?"

"Serial Designation N at your service!" N said enthusiastically, bowing a bit.

Uzi smiled and walked out the door with her new friend, "Nice to meet you, N!"

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