I'm sorry [part1] (NUzi Angst)

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Requested by megasans55
Special thanks for being the first to request :)
This is based off ep6, and the Final Destination trailer
V saluted to the three, N, Uzi and Tessa and right after, the elevator they were in fell down into the floors below.

N had his wings cover the two girls from the debris and when he tucked his wings back in, they all stood up, except Uzi who was still glitching.

Uzi tried to stand up too but she stumbled and fell, N caught her, looking worried and carried her and sat down with Uzi between his legs, breaking down in tears still holding on to Uzi.

Despite Uzi's current state, she tried comforting N, gently rubbing his back.

N looked up at Uzi and broke down to her, "I could've helped V! Instead I left her to die! J's right! I am moron bot..."

Uzi's glitching state went away but the one yellow eye stayed and she continued rubbing N's back.

"Hey.. shh.. You are not moron bot. You are anything but that. Sure, you can be an idiot but I love that about you." Uzi said, having a slight blush on her visor when she said the last part.

N returned the slight blush but still was sad. "But.. what about the innocent people I killed? I'm a monster. I ruined your card game, make your dad hate you even more, brought mayham to-" N was cut off by a more stern Uzi.

"Bite me! Look at me. You are NOT a monster. You killed to survive and to just please the freakin' company and who cares about my dad? He didn't care for me since I was little. You made my life way better than I ever imagined so shut up and know that."

N was a bit taken aback but had his happiness back and hugged Uzi tight. "Thank you, Uzi."

Uzi felt like overheating but she didn't know why but she hugged N back. (Uzi's arm grew back during N's breakdown)

Hey guys! So yeah, this is it. I was supposed to publish an unrequested Envy oneshot but since this request came first, I was like: Okay, cool, Imma do this first.
And I will make a part2 cuz why not and I have tons of ideas
Envy oneshot is next

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