Chapter 210 - 222

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Chapter 210

Pei Jing put her down and held out his index finger to clasp her hand.

The nurse felt Pei Jing's abdomen a few times, as if examining something, and her calm voice came, "It will still take a while before she can give birth. Family members please go out and wait."

ZhiXia's pain had subsided for the moment as she breathed heavily to catch her breath.

She didn't know why, but this time the pain was much more intense than when she gave birth to the dragon and phoenix twins. Last time, as soon as the pain started, her water broke, but this time it still hadn't broken.

Pei Jing's gaze remained fixed on ZhiXia, making ZhiXia's heart tighten. She spoke to the nurse, "Nurse, can I stay here with her? Or wait until it's almost time for her to give birth before I leave?"

"I'm afraid that's not allowed. Please go out and wait."

Pei Jing frowned deeply, reached out to touch ZhiXia's forehead, and bent over to whisper reassuringly in her ear, "ZhiXia, don't get angry. I'll explain everything to you when you get out, okay? Or you can hit me or yell at me if you want. Just don't get angry with yourself, I would feel terrible."

ZhiXia didn't even know what exactly she was angry about. Perhaps she was just feeling uneasy.

Her clasped hand suddenly tightened painfully. Sweat began beading on her skin, her fingers trembling uncontrollably, and she was too weak even to speak.

There was a surge below, and the midwife urged, "Her water broke. Family members, please leave quickly."

As reluctant as Pei Jing was, he could only stand up and leave, looking back every three steps.

When he was a few steps from the bed, the nurse whisked the curtain closed, completely blocking his view.

She then emerged from behind the curtain herself and shut the door tightly after Pei Jing left the room.

Having seen countless women give birth, she couldn't help rolling her eyes to herself. This was the first time she had seen such a tall, handsome yet overdramatic man. He really didn't match his appearance at all.

But then again, it was understandable since his wife was so beautiful that he would be worried about her.

With the door closed, Pei Jing hurried off to find An ZhiXian.

It was already midday. An ZhiXian had just finished seeing a patient when Pei Jing rushed over. "ZhiXia has gone into labor. Do you have time to let the family know so they can come over?"

The children's things and change of clothes were still in the delivery room, and someone would need to look after both the three children and ZhiXia. He alone would not be enough.

As soon as he heard the news, even Doctor An ZhiXian couldn't help feeling nervous. "Why are you running around when she's about to give birth? What if something happens and the family can't be reached? Go back and keep watch. I'll let the family know."

School hadn't started yet, so he couldn't reach anyone by phone either. He'd have to go home to notify them.

Fortunately, over the past few days, he had already arranged with his colleagues to find someone to cover for him as soon as there was any news from ZhiXia.

In fact, his colleagues were also puzzled why he as ZhiXia's brother had asked for leave. How could he be of any help when the family already had plenty of people to provide care?

The Pei family and An family arrived quickly. They found Pei Jing pacing tensely outside the delivery room, hands clasped showing his anxiety.

"What's going on? Has she given birth yet?" Zhou Nan stepped forward and asked worriedly. stories live. Discover now