Chapter 55 - 61

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Chapter 55

Since the two imperial envoys arrived in Lingzhou City, the people outside Lingzhou City seemed to be celebrating New Year in advance, and they rushed to the city in waves.

The imperial envoys borrowed the Prefect's yamen to interrogate Prince Xiang and then interrogate the stewards, guards, servants, and maids of the prince mansion. At first Prince Xiang refused to plead guilty, but they had the confessions of the servants who helped done the evil as evidence. Not to mention, Prince Xiang Shizi was still in Jinyiwei's hands. Prince Xiang's mouth only remained firm for one day and one night. The next day, under the weight of a large number of witnesses and material evidence, Prince Xiang finally willing to confess everything.

It was just that he committed too many crimes, and the imperial envoys actually spent four days and nights checking each one.

On the morning of the fourteenth of Fourth Month, Shi Yao and Zheng Hong finally walked out of the Prefect's yamen and came to Ningyuan to meet the princess.

After not seeing each other for a few days, Hua Yang found that both of them looked haggard and had dark eyes, which proved that they had stayed up late to review the case.

"Sirs, thank you for your hard work. Please sit down."

The maids also brought tea.

Shi Yao and Zheng Hong saluted and thanked her. After they sat down, Shi Yao said first: "Princess, the seventeen charges you filed against Prince Xiang, Prince Xiang and his henchmen have all pleaded guilty. This minister has made a memorial and sent them with six-hundred-miles urgency to the capital to be passed on to His Majesty for a ruling. Once it got there, we will know the result in about ten days."

Hua Yang didn't look joyful, but looked regretful: "Prince Xiang is my uncle. Today he has fallen to this point, how can I bear it?"

Zheng Hong advised her bluntly: "Princess, there is no need to be sad. Prince Xiang was corrupt and abused the law while oppressing the common people, which made the people in Lingzhou miserable and full of complaints. This not only violated Taizu's ancestral precepts of enfeoffing vassal princes, but also failed His Majesty's great kindness to him, become a sinner towards the imperial clan and the common people. No matter how His Majesty punishes him, he deserves it."

Shi Yao: "Sir Zheng is right. Princess, please take good care of your body and don't bother about this."

Hua Yang sighed: "That's fine, but children are innocent. If there are still young clan members in the prince mansion, Sirs should ask the guards to take good care of them until Father Emperor's decree arrives."

The two imperial envoys left the seat at the same time, cupped their hands and said: "Princess's mercy is really a blessing to the clan and the people."

Hua Yang smiled lightly and told them to go back to the post house and have a good rest.

Wu Run sent the imperial envoys out, and Hua Yang no longer had to act like a princess and took the maids back to Qifeng Hall.

Chao Yun was beaming with joy: "Now that Prince Xiang has confessed his crime, His Majesty will definitely not let him off lightly. Finally, the dust has settled, and Princess can celebrate your birthday properly."

Hua Yang had little interest: "We celebrate birthdays every year, and it's the same old things. I've long since gotten tired of it."

Chao Yue: "Princess, this is your second birthday after you got married. Last year coincided with Old Lady Chen's funeral, and we had just arrived in town. That time was basically just a perfunctory one. This year, we have to celebrate it more grandly." stories live. Discover now