Chapter 1 - 8 Who.Cares

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Chapter 1 - Mourn the death

Guan Suyi was sitting in the pavilion surrounded by greenery while arranging flowers. Two maids stood at the left and right, handing out flower branch or a pair of scissors from time to time. Outside the bamboo curtain, which was swayed back and forth by the breeze, was the setting sun and many fallen leaves. Autumn has arrived.

"Madam, the eldest son is here, he wants to see you." The middle-aged servant's hasty footsteps disturbed the tranquility.

Guan Suyi was stunned, her calm face showed a daze, as if she tried to remember who the "eldest son" from the woman's mouth was . After a while, her eyebrows frowned, she slowly and decisively spit out two words, "Not seeing."

The servant woman wanted to say something but stopped, she also knew that the madam was stubborn and very assertive, when she said not seeing it means not seeing. But this was just a remote estate of the Zhao family. Only domestic slaves or female relatives who have made mistakes would be sent over. Life was extremely miserable. How could it be compared with the prosperity and wealth of Yanjing? The servant woman wanted to return to the main house but had no opportunity. After finally waited for so long finally the eldest son came, how could she missed the chance to curry favor with him, after leaving the second gate, she ignored the madam's order and let the eldest son in.

After inserting the golden chrysanthemum into the vase, Guan Suyi turned it around, trying to find any shortcomings. Suddenly saw one of the golden chrysanthemum leaves was too lush, lacking the artistic conception of blankness and the beauty of containment. She picked up a small scissor and wanted to trim it a bit.

"Mother." The guilty shout made her fingertips tremble slightly, the sharp blade missed the extra leaves, but cut off a beautiful golden chrysanthemum. Guan Suyi didn't immediately put down the scissors, nor did she show any annoyance. Even the frowning eyebrows were flattened at this time. She picked the leaves with the tip of a knife, then took the cut flower branches and threw them into the small bamboo basket beside her. Then she looked at the young man standing outside the pavilion with a panic and decadent face.

Looking from top to bottom, her gaze rest on the crutches in his hand and the obviously short left leg, Guan Suyi was a little surprised and wanted to ask, but in the end, she didn't speak. Wasn't she being sent away to Cangzhou precisely because she cared too much?

The young man saw the concern in her eyes, and the misery and guilt that had stuck in his heart instantly broke out. He limped a few steps forward, and wanted to rush to the woman's feet to cry. Guan Suyi did not dodge, but the two maids had already blocked the young man. They asked while supporting him, "Eldest son, what's the matter with you? What kind of grievance have you suffered? Your foot is injured, you must not knock it!" What kind of grievance can make the eldest son, who regard madam as an enemy, come all the way to Cangzhou to complain, and still in this kind of bad situation?

If the two of them didn't ask, the young man was able to tolerate it, but once asked the flood seemed to break away, tears fell instantly, choking while intermittently saying, "Mother, son has let you down! You have always been strict with this son, you would scold if son was too playful, you would punish if son made a mistake, but you also would praise if son made progress. You treat son as your own, but son listens to other people's slander. I always felt that you have ulterior motives, inside harbor evil intentions, so deliberately alienate you and get close to Aunt Ye. Son is really stupid. Son is wrong!"

Guan Suyi held her forehead with one hand, and placed the other flat on the stone table. She tapped the edge of the table with her fingertips, seemingly to be listening attentively, but also looked stunned. Aunt Ye? Which Auntie Ye? After two years in Cangzhou, she deliberately forget about Zhao's mansion, and it took quite a while to find this person from her dusty memory. stories live. Discover now