Part 2: Run.

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I wanted to run. Those green eyes and that fierce face were staring me down like I just murdered somebody. Sam and Castiel came running, practically. I tugged at the handcuffs. Dean smiled, "Well, there's no getting out of those." I sat up. Sam, who's supposed to be the sympathetic one, gave me a disgusted look. Castiel just tried to avoid eye contact with me all together. I wanted to run. I know that people end up dead when they get involved with the Winchesters. I had the urge to run, but they'll only catch me. I sorted through the options in my head. Dean pulled out a gun. I took gasped and sunk back into the couch like it would help. Sam must have read my face, "Don't you even think about running. We will chase you down. There's no getting away from us." I wanted to speak, but I choked. A tear ran down my face, but I didn't let any more fall. Dean cocked the gun. It startled me. The lighting in the bunker was giving me an extreme headache mixed with the blackout from the night before. "Why are you doing this? ", I pleaded. I knew that they were after me. I just didn't know why. Sam chuckled, "That's cute. Playing the victim. Look, (y/n) just cooperate and we will make it hurt less. "Run. Run. Run." I kept telling myself. Sam walked toward me as Dean stood alongside Castiel. He grabbed my arm. Tight. I tried to yank it away from him, but his hand had the strongest grip. He stood me up. I spaced out on the next thing he said. He was so tall. I didn't think. I Just darted towards the door. I sprinted. I ran as fast as I could. The door was locked. I ran upstairs. Just like the dumb blonde in the scary movies, I tripped on a couple stairs. But I made it to a room. I locked it. Someone started to kick the door down. I didn't think again. I jumped from the window. Once I hit the ground, I regretted it. Tiny pieces of glass stuck in my face, and a big one in my leg. I kept running. I heard someone close behind, but I didn't turn around. The branches slapped me in the face. I hid behind a log. It wasn't until I sat down that I felt the pain in my leg. I'm so stupid. I gripped the glass and pulled it out. I wanted to scream, but the sound of Sam running passed me gave me motivation to make it through. I tied my leg and layed against the log to take a breath. I was wheezing. How was I supposed to know they had amazing stamina? Then, I hear footsteps. Dean's voice said, "(y/n), I know you're behind that log. Come out, or I'll drag you out."

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