Part 6: Profit?

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We were all waiting for him to just say it. He sat on the floor and twirled the angel blade around in his hand. "Well. Believe it or not, you're a profit." Sam inturrupted, "That's impossible. Profits can't do the things (y/n) can." Metatron fixed his posture, and sat like he was proud of himself. "I killed every future profit and parents of future profits. Why? So she can be the best." I thought about everything I knew and could do and it wasn't absurd to believe him. "My powers", I blurted. He smiled, "Ah, yes. Your powers. You can do a little of everything, but not a lot of something. You have the powers that all the future profits were to have. But since there's so many, you don't get to use them and control them as easily as you could with one power." "What exactly can she do?", Dean demanded. I wondered the same thing. "I'm not going to spoil it, silly. You'll find out.", he replied. Then, he snapped his fingers. The last thing I remembered before I woke up next to Sam, Dean, and Cas on the floor of the bunker. I awoke and went to the next room to think about what had happened. And who I am. I thought about leaving. But I actually felt safe with the Winchesters and Castiel. With Crowley out for me, they were obviously a better choice than me leaving. They'd find me anyway. A thousand things flooded my head. I looked at the time and it was 3 in the afternoon. We must have slept all night. The sound of Dean waking up broke my train of thought. "Where's (y/n)?!" He sounded concerned. That made me feel better about my decision to stay. I walked out of the room, "I'm here. " Sam was still out on the floor. "Hey, Dean. If you ever try to get Cas to use his powers on me again, I will not be happy.", I said firmly. Dean laughed. He didn't take me seriously, "That's scary."
Sam jumped out of his sleep. Castiel woke after him. "So now that we know what I am, sort of, we can go after The Book.", I offered. Sam and Dean glanced at each other, "We don't know if that's the safest option. Crowley wants you. He needs you to read the book for him." I understood where Dean was coming from, but it made me angry that he didn't think I could take care of myself. "Dean. It'll be fine. If something goes wrong, I know you will take care of it. Come on, you're the Winchesters. You have a freaking angel on your side. Plus, maybe my powers might come to save the day." Sam looked like he was in deep thought, "Let's make a plan."

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