Part 23: We'll find you

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"Mrs. Chloe. Mrs.Chloe Heart?", I woke up to a male voice. It was the doctor. He said "my" name a couple more times before I realized it was the name from the fake Id. I sat up. "Yeah. That's me.", I said with a sleepy voice. The smell of bleach infected my nose. "I have a few questions for you. Is that alright?", he asked. "Go ahead.", I said.
"What happened to you? How did you get so badly injured?"
"I was in a car accident. The car hit my side."
"Did you refuse medical treatment? "
No, doctor. It was a town of demons so there was no medical treatment. "No. I thought I was okay, so I went home."
"When was the accident and when did you start feeling pain?" Hunters aren't supposed to go to hospitals. They ask too many questions.
"Uh. The night before last. My head felt swollen immediately after and of course my face was hurting from the glass and scrapes. And um, it hurts when I make the tiniest movement. But that was all immediately following. Last night, I actually felt worse pain like I couldn't breathe."
"Well. Mrs.Heart, are you ready for your diagnosis?"
"Hit me, doc."
"You have a fractured rib, and you have a severe case of whiplash. Your head injuries should be okay, you have a small cuncussion. I am prescribing these to you. They should help with the pain."
"Thanks. Doc. "
"I have to ask. Were you on any drugs? You should have felt the pain from injuries this severe immediately. "
Well. It could have to do with the fact that I'm a profit with Supernatural powers because everything has to do with that. "No. I wasn't. Thanks for everything, doctor."
"Oh.", he said lifting a paper on his clipboard. "We called your emergency contacts a couple hours ago. Mr. Jason Ralph and Mr. Jacob Ralph. They said they'll be here as soon as they can. " My stomach dropped. That was Sam and Dean. "Those are your uncles, correct?", he asked. "Yeah. Yeah. ", I said trying not to sound too freaked out. "We're going to keep you over night to see how you react with the medicines and to ensure that you get rest. We'll let you go in the morning if you're alright. ", he said. He went on to explain how to take each medication. I spaced out. "Where are my clothes? You know, for tomorrow.", I asked. He pointed to a chair in the corner. He left after that. I got out of the bed and ripped the Iv out. I always hated when people did that in the movies, but I had no choice. I got dressed, and it was painful. I took some of the medicine and bolted. Sam and Dean had to be close. I called them. "Don't come. I'm fine.", I said when Sam answered. "We're glad you are alright. But we are coming to get you back.", he replied. "No. I don't want to go back with you. I put you in danger. I won't come with you.", I protested. "We'll find you. That's what we do. Then, you're coming with us whether you like it or not.", Sam said before hanging up. I got in my car and sped to the hotel. I packed and got out of there. I had nobody to turn to. I just drove. My life is empty. It has been that way for a while. My mom died along with my dad when I was 13. Demons killed them right in front of me. I didn't know how to kill demons back then. But I became a hunter and I kill as many demons as I can now. Before Sam and Dean, I spent my days living the hunter life. That speaks for itself. And running from them. I guess they give my life meaning. But I'm bad for them.

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