Part 18: The Party

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They sat down and looked ready to listen. "I envisioned that I killed Crowley. But not by the spell. By my powers.", I said worried. They shared a glance. "Look. It's nothing to worry about. When the time comes, we will be right beside you." I let it go. We all went to sleep. It had been a long hunt. I woke to my phone going off. It was ringing. "Hello?", I said with a groggy voice. I took the phone away from my face and saw that it was 2 in the morning. "The party is tonight.", a voice said. I realized it was the guy from the gas station. I sat up, "Oh. I can't tonight. I have a family dinner". Family. The idea of the word family comforted me. He laughed, "Unless your family dinner is at midnight, you can come. I'll pick you up at 11. No headlights, I'm assuming you're sneaking out.", he said. He was right. Sam and Dean would never let me go. "Yeah. I'll be ready.", I said before hanging up. I texted him the adress. The dinner with Jody was good. That woman could cook. Sam and Dean told me in the car on the way back that they enjoyed the hot meal. I guess they're used to fast food. It was 10 when we got back. Sam and Dean kissed me goodnight at about 10:45. I wrote a note, "Don't freak out. I haven't been kidnapped. I just snuck out to a party. Track my phone if I'm not back by morning. Love you, (y/n)" I found myself wondering why I was trusting a boy so easily. I remembered what Sarah said about trust. I wore black skinny jeans, a black tank under a blue and black flannel, and black high top converse. I straightened my hair. You look okay, I told myself. I snuck out the door with luck. I didn't see Sam and Dean run out the door after me. He had two other guys in the back. "You look hot.", he said. I rolled my eyes and got in. Once there, he handed me a pill. "Take this.", he said with a smile. "No.", I said. The guys in the back laughed. "Relax. It'll help you relax. You're so uptight.", he said practically shoving it in my mouth. I didn't protest. "Now let's have some fun.", he said stepping out of the car. I got out and he took my hand. "I'm Jason." I gripped his hand harder, "I'm (y/n)". It was a frat party. People were making out on the couch and music was loud. Being a hunter, I never went to parties. I was greeted with a red solo cup full of beer being shoved in my face. "Jason. Is this who you've been talking about?", the guy asked before stumbling away. I sipped the beer. "What did you give me?", I asked. He laughed, "Something to calm your nerves." He took me upstairs, "I feel a little too calm.", I told him. He stole a bottle of vodka on the way up. "Here. Have some.", he said. I took a big swig of it. We mostly talked, upstairs. After an hour of drink after drink he asked, "You feeling okay?" I shook my head. "I'm getting you another drink.", he said. I layed back on the bed. "Okay", I said as he left. I felt a little buzzed and dizzy. He came back with a beer. I saw it fizz. I wasn't like the dumb blondes in the movies. "Take me home.", I demanded. He leaned in and made out with me. "Get off.", I said. He kept kissing me. "Get off!", I yelled. He did. "Look. I'm sorry. I'll take you home.", he said. When I got in the car, the radio clock said it was 2:38. The two guys from before sat in the back. He started driving then turned into a woods trail. "Drink it.", he said. I shoved it away from him. "Look you were supposed to be out by the first pill.", he said. The guys from the back got out and opened my door. They held my arms while Jason made me drink it. I got out of the car. "I came for a good time. Not for this.", I said. One of the other guys started kissing me. I shoved him and he hit the ground. "Come on, guys. Lets just leave her here. ", Jason said. "You're a dick", I screamed. He got out and ran after me. Once he caught me, he punched me and then ran back to the car. They left me. The drugs were kicking in. I searched my phone for my phone, but it was gone. "Bastards.", I said. I didn't even know where I was. I passed out.

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