Part 19: Home

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I woke up, and it was still night. Dirt stuck to my face. I was still where I was when I passed out. I wondered how long I was out. I still feel the effects of the drug. It is like I have no control over my legs or anything else. I need a phone. But I can't call the Winchesters. I don't want them knowing anything about this. I can hide it. I started walking on the road. It was really dark. The moon barely gave me light. I saw headlights. The car stopped beside me and I saw Jason get out. "Come on. I'll take you home.", he said and grabbed my hand. "No.", I said and kept walking. I didn't have a choice. Some guy got out and shoved me in the back. He started driving. I looked at the clock. 4:50. Maybe Sam and Dean weren't even awake. "Can I have my phone?", I asked. It sounded clear to me, but apparently it was slurred to them. "I'm sorry I left you there. I was just mad.", Jason said. I rolled my eyes. The guy next to me said, "I hate it when you do that." I looked at him with hatred. "I don't care.", I said. My face felt sore from the punch. He started to play with my hair. I recognized the street we were on. We were close to home. I slapped his hand, and he took it away from me. "Let me out.", I said. Nobody listened. The creep kissed me. I tried to push him off, but nothing was working. I shoved him off as hard as I could. He slapped me in return. "Let me out!", I yelled. Jason kept driving. I opened the door when it got to a grass patch, and I jumped out. I saw the bunker ahead. Jason stopped the car. "Come on, (y/n). I'll take you home." I realized he was probably never going to in the first place. I started to run, and he got out. So close to Sam and Dean. He tackled me. He popped another pill in my mouth. "Relax. The only thing I want to do to you now is hurt you.", he said as he kicked at my side. That hurt. Pain went all over my body despite the pill. "This could've ended differently.", he said while kicking me. He had to kick where it hurt the worst. I took about 3 blows from him, then he got in the car and left me for good. I tried to crawl to Sam and Dean. But everything hurt and the drug was too strong. I saw something on the road. My phone. How thoughtful. I crawled to it. I started to dial Sam's number, but I passed out. Right there in the street. Our street wasn't that busy. I woks up. The sun shine was hot against my face. I looked at the time. 10 A.M. They were definetly awake. I spit blood and started to stand up. I just collapsed. I couldn't let them see me like this. But I had to. I didn't have the strength to sneak through the window. I wasn't going to tell them what happened. I crawled slowly but surely. I hated myself for trusting Jason. I just wanted to be a teenager. When I got to the bunker, I screamed for them. I guess it wasn't loud enough. I weakly knocked at the door. I just layed there on my back facing the sun. I felt paralyzed. I was still feeling the pill. I gathered everything I had and let out one good scream for them. Moments later, everything was in slow motion. I saw Sam run out and pick me up. I saw Dean worried as Sam brought me in the door. Sam sat me down on the floor. "Dean. Get water! ", he said. He pushed my hair out of my face, "What happened?" I shook my head. Dean came back and gave me water. "I'm fine. ", I said. I started to walk away, but I felt Dean's hand grab my arm. I turned around and buried my face into his arms. "I'm sorry", I cried. Dean sat me down. "Where does it hurt? ", he asked. I lifted my shirt and showed him my sides. Dean prayed for Castiel and he showed up a couple minutes after. Castiel joined me on the ground. "What happened to her? ", he asked. "Nothing. ", I said. Castiel shook his head, "I'll find out. Then, we can help her." I tried to crawl away, "No. Please." But he was already trying to figure it out. I saw his white eyes. He came out of his trance within a couple minutes. "She has been drugged.", he said. I shook my head. I didn't want them to know what happened. I grabbed Castiel's hand and put it on my chest. I concentrated hard, and after a couple minutes, he pulled away. My wounds were healed. I sat up. "Tell us what happened.", Sam said. He put his jacket on me. They'll kill Jason. "If you don't, I will. ", Castiel said. I grabbed Sam and Dean's hand. "Tell them.", I said.

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