Part 38: The Visit

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Castiel's point of view
(Y/n) is on in some state that Sam and Dean can't figure out. It all happened as soon as I touched the necklace. I'm new at hunting. I know I must leave this one to Sam and Dean. "She's breathing", Sam said while carrying her. "I think we should take her with us", I say.

Sam's point of view
"That is the best idea, Cas. She seems to always get into trouble", I reply. We catch up to Dean who is leaned over the Imapala grabbing weapons from the trunk.

Dean's point of view
"Castiel. Why don't you go ahead and search for that gas station, then zap us there", I say. I hate seeing (y/n) hurt. It's our job to protect her. But I know ghosts, and this Claire chick could've killed her. Castiel flashed back in. "I've got it", he says stepping closer to us and putting a hand our shoulders. We landed in front of a house. This must be it. I look over to Sam. "What are we going to do with her?" He lays her on the ground and tells Cas to watch her. I pulled the gun from my pocket and Sam got the salt and match box ready. We walk up the creaky steps and knock on the door. A man answers. He had his leg tied off and a black eye. I chuckled. "She really messed you up, huh?" He tried to close the door, but I pulled my gun and held it open with my arm. "Look. I'm sorry, man. I didn't know she had people like you to look after her. I'm really sorry. Please. Just go", he pleaded. I smiled. Maybe I took a little pleasure in his fear. He put (y/n) through hell. "Move", I said. He did and while he was closing the door behind him, he grabbed a rifle.

Sam's point of view
I went to my jacket to pull a gun. If he shoots my brother, I'll kill him. He better lower his weapon. He moves the gun towards me, "Drop your gun." I did and he said the same to Dean. Dean did. I glanced at him. "Is she with you?", he asked. "No", I replied quickly. He went to the window and glanced out just for a second. "Here's what you're going to do. You're going to go out there, tell him you did whatever you came here to do, then bring her in here. If you give her to me, I won't kill all three of you. If you do anything other than what I say, I'll shoot", he said. I know he's serious, but I'm not handing her over to this psycho. "Go", he ordered. I whispered to Dean "What's the plan?" He looked uncomfortable, "Right now, he's got a gun on us. Do what he says", he replied. "Cas. We need (y/n). She needs to be holding the necklace and near the ghost for it to work. You know, hunter stuff. Just stay here", Dean said. Castiel picked her up and handed her to me. I can't believe we are doing this. We lay her on the couch. "Well. Now that I have you right where I want you, I'll be honest. I'm not sorry. (Y/n) was my favorite and I won't apologize for it. Thanks for giving her back to me. I have fun things planned."

Dean's point of view
I want to kill the son of a bitch. He has fun things planned? Not on my watch. She is my responsibility. My anger is building. What's our next move? He walked over to the couch where she was. He dragged her by her hair over to us. Son of a bitch. I'll kill him. She is still unconcious. He stood her up. "She is very pretty." Damnit. I want to walk over to him and shoot him myself. He pulled her close to him and pushed his face against hers. A kiss. Really? Is he trying to get himself killed? He put a hand on her waist and held the gun towards us in the other. He turned her around to face us. He moved his hand lower. "Hey!"I yelled. He cocked the gun. I had an idea. "Kiss her", I said. Sam shoved me, "What the hell, man?" He smiled, then shoved his face into hers. "Yeah. None of that baby stuff. Kiss the girl", I said bending down. He was kissing her the entire time. Sam and I had already gotten our guns and had them pointed when he pulled away. He dropped her, and cocked the gun.

Castiel's point of view
I heard a gunshot. I'm going in. I know they want me to wait. But I have to make sure everybody's alright. Things don't always go as planned. I walk in and see that man on the ground next to (y/n). He was dead. Sam and Dean walked down the stairs with the salt and the matches. I realized that before they were just doing what they were told because he must have had a gun on them.

Sam's point of view
"I don't know which one is her. Let's just salt them both", I say to Dean. I'm glad Dean's plan worked. I don't know what would be happening to her right now. I wouldn't let it happen. I pull the matches out and hear Castiel calling our names upstairs. What could be so important? "Dean. Finish this. I'll go check on them." The door wouldn't open. It was jammed. "Cas. Hang on. I'm coming! ", I yell. Dean was thrown on the ground. This ghost isn't going down without a fight.

Castiel's point of view Where are Sam and Dean? All they have to do is salt and burn. She is shaking. It looks like she is having a seizure. I am trying to help her. But I don't know what's happening. She stopped. I checked her pulse. She is not breathing. I yell for them again.

Dean's point of view
I hope they're alright up there. Sam and I are getting thrown around by this ghost. I light the match and throw it on one of the bodies. The ghost still choked me. I threw the box to Sam and he throws the other. She burns and I gasp for breath. "Thanks, Sammy", I say while running up the stairs. "Is she alright. What is wrong?", I ask. Castiel looked worried, "She isn't breathing", he says.

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