Part 10: The Escape

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When I first came here, maybe I would have said something along the lines of, "Take your job and shove it up your ass." But, right now I'm weak. Ugh. I don't even like to admit it. Crowley told the other demons in the room to leave. It was just him and I. "I understand you're in need of some things like sleep, food, maybe light in your room". He raised an eyebrow, "And a smaller pair of pants. If you do this for me, I'll give you those things. I didn't really care about any of that. "Can I call Sam, Dean, and Cas?", I asked desperately. Their names felt good coming out of my mouth. "I'll think about it.", he replied. "Now. I have disobedient demons. Those disobedient demons are locked away throughout this building. I'll give you the room number, and their name. You are to kill every one of them." I was confused, "Couldn't you just do that yourself? ", I asked. He rolled his eyes, "(y/n), you're going to use your powers. I need to know that I can rely on your powers whenever I need them. I don't care which ones you use, just get the job done." Did he just kidnap me to be his pet, and do whatever he wants? He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to me. It had names and room numbers on it. I walked out of the room. "Put these on, first", It was the demon who fed me the bread. She handed me a pair of skinny jeans. She stared at me. "Now.", she said. I obeyed. They fit me way better. "Thanks.", I said and gave her a smile. I wondered why she was so nice. Could a demon really be that nice? I went to the first room. When I opened the door, I saw somebody sitting on the floor facing the wall. There was a light source in his room. It was a man. When I closed the door and approached him, he turned around with black eyes, and tackled me. I pushed him off. "I'm going to be killed by a human? After all the things I've done for that bastard?!", he screamed. He threw me to the wall. I closed my eyes, and concentrated. When I opened my eyes, and the demon burst with yellow light and fell to the floor. He was dead. I didn't feel well after using my powers, and they weren't easy to control. But I had a job to finish. It felt like I did much more than kill one demon. When I walked out of the room, demons were on the floor. When I touched one, smoke came from it. Did I do this? Did I just kill every demon in this place? I went to the next name on the list, dead. The next name. Dead. The next, dead. I killed them all. I went to the next name on the list. On my way to their door, I saw the exit. This was my chance. The demons were dead all except for Crowley. Nobody could stop me from leaving. He doesn't even know. The demons were not to disturb him in the daytime. I ran back to Sarah's room. I opened the door. "Sarah. It's me, (y/n). Let's get out of here. We have to leave now.", I said as I came towards her. I'd never seen her before. She had the prettiest red hair. She got up, and ran with me. I took her to the exit and we ran out the door. I tried to savor every moment of the escape. The sunlight hurt my eyes. Sarah and I never stopped running until we saw an abandoned house. We decided to rest and think about our next move. I found a kitchen knife and cut my arm. I used the blood to write symbols on the windows and walls along with a devil's trap. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror while my profit side was taking over. My eyes were bright white. I didn't know how I knew all the symbols I did. I wrote them everywhere. All I knew is that they warded demons and it took a lot of my blood. When I was done writing symbols, I fell to the floor and gasped for breath. This is it. I'm out. There was a phone on the wall, and I grabbed it. I typed in Dean's phone number. He answered, "Whoever this is, I'm not buying." Then he hung up. I called back, "Dean. It's me."

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