Part 34: The Fight.

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The driving was endless. Sam and Dean switched spots for Dean to rest. It is night, now and we have about 10 minutes to get there. "Is there a plan?", I blurt. Nobody answered. "We go in guns blazing", Sam finally said. We stopped and Sam shook Dean awake. My heart was racing. We stepped out of the car and Dean carried the weapons. "You can do this, (y/n)", Castiel said giving me a pat on my shoulder. I wasn't so sure. "Follow the path", a voice whispered in my head. I stepped in front of the boys and led the way. I had a feeling we were close. Dean started to cough up blood. "Are you alright?!", I asked grabbing him. Sam and Castiel fell down and started coughing alongside him. A face came out. Trees were surrounding us everywhere, making a circle. But where we stood, there were no trees. "Leave them alone!" I screamed. I was thrown into a tree and hit the ground. "You didn't come to finish the ritual.", he said. I stood. "No powers, just me and you. Let them go.", I said. He snapped his fingers and they stopped coughing. He knocked them out. "Okay. No powers. Fight to the death ", he said stepping forward. He took the first swing. It was so hard I fell to the ground. I wiped the blood from my lip and stood. I swung and he caught my hand before it hit his face, it was inches away. He snapped it and I screamed in pain. I was about to fight for my life and theirs. He grabbed me by my shirt and I took probably 10 blows from him before he threw me down. I kicked his leg and he fell down with me. I pulled the knife out that the boys got me for my birthday. They believe in me. I can do this. I lifted it in the air and he hit my arm causing it to go flying. Things were dizzy. I tried to crawl to it, but he got there first. He threw it further away. He started to kick me. I was going to surrender until he left me on the ground and came back with the knife. He lifted it high into the air. I had no other choice, so I used my powers. The knife shifted to my hands. "Oh. You want to play like that?", he asked. He threw me into the tree again. I gripped the knife tight in my hand that wasn't broken. I took a few more kicks and 3 more hits in the face. I looked him in the eyes and he fell to the ground. I didn't wait for him to make a move. I stabbed him in the chest while I had the chance. He exploded with white light and I layed on the ground next to him. I used the rest of my energy to try to wake the boys with my powers. It worked, but I layed there paralyzed from the pain. The salty taste of blood filled my mouth and my hand was killing me . I stared up at the sky. The stars were beautiful. After a couple of minutes, I felt somebody's fingers on my neck. "She is barely breathing", somebody said. I saw all three faces above me. "Can you hear me, (y/n)?", Dean asked. I pulled out a smile through the pain. "I did it", I said. Sam scooped me up and brought me to the Impala. We checked into and hotel and they played doctor again. I stayed conscious the whole time. "I'm fine, guys", I said after Sam had finished wrapping my hand. "You missed the whole thing. It was epic", I said. I am honestly happy it is over. "I left my coat in the Impala", I said standing. "I'll be back", I told them. I mostly took a break because I was giving them time to talk about what had happened. I opened the car door and leaned into the car to reach for the jacket at the other end of the car. Somebody put their hand over my mouth and I smelled chloroform. I was out within seconds.

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