Part 17: The Kiss

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"Don't be a baby" Dean said as he stitched the bullet wound. I laughed. There was something comforting about being in a cheap hotel room with two people who were like brothers. My leg hurt when I walked, but it wasn't broken or anything. I guess once you've been kidnapped a couple times, you get the full hunter experience. Dean got a call from Jody. He put her on speaker because she asked him to. "Sam. Dean. I haven't seen you a while. If I'm being honest, I am a little lonely. I don't care what you're doing, cancel your plans tomorrow night. I'm having you over for dinner, 8 sharp.", she said. Dean and Sam looked at each other than they looked at me. "Yeah. Sure. But we have to bring a guest. Her name is (y/n). You'll love her.", Dean replied. Jody just said okay and hung up. "Are we done? ", I asked Dean. He pulled something from his bag, "Almost. Drink this. ", he said. I took a swig of it and Sam and Dean both laughed at my reaction. "Shut up. ", I said playfully. Then, I drank some more. Dean pulled it from my hands, "Alright. That's enough. ", he said through laughter. I changed my clothes and threw my wavy hair in a high pony tail. My sides were looking worse. When I came out of the bathroom, I looked at Sam and asked him to come over to me. I lifted my shirt, "Does that look bad?", I asked. He looked worried, "We can stop at the gas station and get some ice. " I smiled at him like it didn't hurt. We stopped at the gas station. Sam handed the money to me. Inside, I searched for what I needed. There was this one guy that kept staring at me and following me around the store. Finally, I turned around and my face was met with a pair of blue eyes. He leaned in and kissed me. I shoved him. "What the hell?", I whispered. He was cute. He was tall and buff and had dark brown hair. He pulled me to him and put something in my pocket. "Text me.", he said as he walked away. I pulled the paper out and it was a phone number. I rolled my eyes. Then, I grabbed the ice pack and got out. Walking out, I felt a shoulder being thrown over mine. I looked over and it was him. "I'm having a party this weekend. You should come. I'll text you the details.", he said before kissing my cheek and walking away. I stood there dumbfounded, but I snapped out of it and went back to the Impala. "Who was that?", Sam asked. I handed him his change and replied, "I don't know. He was following me around, and when I said something to him he kissed me.", I said. Dean turned around and gave me that protective face. I rolled my eyes. "It's okay.", I said. We got back on the road. I sent him a text. I layed down in the backseat and lifted my shirt to put the ice on. I fell asleep because the ice made it soothing. My sides had been bothering me for a while. When I got up, I had about 20 messages from him. Sam shook me awake, and I sat up quickly. "Come on. We are here.", Sam chuckled and helped me out of the car. "Does it hurt?", he asked putting an arm around my waist. "No. ", I lied. We got back in the bunker and Dean was about to go to sleep. "I have to tell you guys something. I had a vision after I got shot back there. It was about Crowley.", I said.

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