Part 36: Haunted

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"Why don't you put the gun down and fight like a real man?", I yelled. That was just enough to get him right where I wanted him. He threw it to the ground and walked over to me, "Alright, enough talking." I punched him one good time in the face with my hand that wasn't broken. He fell on the ground and I dove for the gun. I have been wanting to do that the entire time. He stood with his hands up. I shot his leg so I could get away, but I couldn't bring myself to kill him. I left him down there and locked the door. "Did you take care of that girl?", a voice asked. My heart dropped. I ran to the door without being seen and shot at it until I ran out of bullets because it was locked. A man started chasing me. I ran fast. Faster than I've ever ran in my life. My bare feet pounded on the highway. I swiped the car keys on my way out, so he was on foot chasing me. "Castiel. If you're listening. I need you. I need you now", I prayed. I don't know why I thought this time would be different than the other countless times I've prayed to him since I have been here. The guy was getting close. I kept running. This is it. Freedom. I'm so close. "Get back here!", he yelled. He gave up on chasing me after a long mile. I slowed down and took a breath with my hands on my knees. What is my next move? The boys are in Kansas. I'm 12 hours from them. Finally, there was a gas station. There was a pay phone and I punched at it for money. I dialed Sam's number, but there was no answer. "Come on, Sam!", I screamed. I saw a car pulling into the gas station. Somebody stepped out and walked straight towards me. Sam answered. "Who is this?", he asked aggravated. "Sam! They're going to get me. Sam, please", I said through tears before the glass was shot at. I heard Sam yell my name, but I had to run. I was doing it again, relying on Sam and Dean and Cas. I couldn't outrun a car, so I just sat down in the road and brought up my energy for the powers. He ran to me and grabbed my arm. I kicked at him and he punched me. I shoved my hand into his chest and he fell asleep. Wow, that was the best I could do, with all these powers I have. I snatched the keys out of his pocket and hopped in his truck. I heard it being reported stolen on the radio when I was an hour out from the bunker and I ditched it. I am on foot. I am running low on energy. I would give anything to see their faces or hear their voices. Sam probably thinks I'm dead. I pulled the necklace out of my pocket. "We made it", I whispered like she was next to me. I felt her with me, like she is walking beside me. I feel overwhelming guilt for Claire. I feel like I have known her my whole life. She died because of me. I'm on the street that the bunker is. I feel like I'm about to pass out. I throw the gun on the ground and look ahead at the bunker. For a second, I swore I heard Claire whisper. "You can do it", she whispered. Maybe I am just tired. I fell down and the hot sun baked my skin. I stared up at it. I can make it. I squeezed the necklace tighter and shoved it in my pocket. My feet hurt. My body hurt from being beat everytime I went to sleep. I collapsed at the door and weakly knocked on it. Nobody heard me. My eyes were rolling back. I saw Claire. It must be my imagination. She picked me up and knocked for me. Then, she disappeared. Sam, Dean, and Cas all came to the door. I smiled before falling forwards. Sam caught me. "I'm fine", I whispered and stood. They helped me to a bed. "Hey, hey, hey. You're alright. You're going to be fine", Sam said. They layed me on the bed. I was feeling like I was about to faint, but I held it together. I sat up, "I'm not tired", I said. I know they'd never hurt me, but I know that if I went to sleep there he'd beat me. Dean helped me drink water. "I heard your prayers. I just couldn't find you. You're hidden", Castiel explained. Claire was standing behind them the whole time. I sat the water down. She looked beautiful. Maybe that is what she was like before it all. I smiled at her. Her face was peaceful. Then, I heard a gunshot and jumped. Her head had a bullet wound and she stepped forward, "You were supposed to die. I am supposed to be with my family", she said. "Do you see that?!", I screamed backing into the bed. Sam, Dean, and Cas all looked where I was looking, but they didn't see anything. She walked closer and pulled a gun. "I really liked you Claire", she said in his voice. Then, she shot herself. I was screaming and hysterical. When she disappeared, Sam and Dean were holding me down. I stopped what I was doing and caught my breath. They let me go. I told them about Claire and about what I saw. I told them about how I escaped. I told them what he did and said. I told them everything. Except for the part where I took Claire's necklace. I had a feeling they'd make me get rid of it. For some reason, I don't want to. I have the urge to keep it. "Nobody is going to hurt you, now. You hear me? Nobody", Dean said. They helped me clean my wounds and wipe Claire's blood from my face. "You want to get some sleep?", Castiel asked. I nodded my head. Sam and Dean left and Castiel stayed to apologize for not being able to come to me. He was in the doorway when I said, "Cas. Wait. Can you stay with me?" He smiled, closed the door and sat in the chair beside the bed. I didn't sleep, but Cas thought I was asleep. Claire's death played over and over and over in my head. It was never ending. She was right. I don't deserve to be here. She had everything to live for. Tears streamed down my face as I faced the wall and pretended to be asleep. I heard Castiel speak, "I really liked you, Claire" then I heard a gunshot. I jumped out of bed and ran. I wasn't thinking. I saw the man from that place chasing me, not Castiel. "Sam! Dean!", I heard. I was outside running through the woods and I turned around and saw Sam, Dean, and Cas running after me. "Strike three, you're out", I heard Dean say. I have to be imagining this. But it's so real.

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