Part 25: Bars

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Sam put me in the backseat and Castiel sat beside me like usual. I was getting really tired of this whole kidnapping thing. If only they were less strong. They insisted on keeping the gag in my mouth. I was awake the whole ride. I layed in the back of the presumably stolen car Castiel sat beneath my legs. We finally stopped after about 4 hours. Sam opened the door, and grabbed my arm to pull me out. I wasn't going down without a fight. Once out of the car, I elbowed Sam in the stomach and ran for it. "Dean!", he yelled. Dean ran after me. Do you know how hard it is to outrun a hunter? It's even harder to outrun two Winchesters and an angel with your hands tied. Dean tackled me and pinned my arms to my sides with his legs. I was caught. "We only want to protect you. With all due respect, you're not going anywhere.", he said. I squirmed. I saw Sam and Castiel's faces above me. Sam threw me over his shoulder just as Dean got up, leaving me no time to make another move. He walked back to the bunker like he had nothing to hide. Oh, nothing to see here. He sat me down on the floor and took the gag out. Dean freed my hands. "Who was that guy?", Dean asked cracking open a beer. My mouth felt dry. "Some guy who called me pretty at a bar.", I responded. After a few moments I said, "In my defense, he said he just wanted to hang out." Dean raised an eyebrow, "(y/n), you can't be so niave. He could have seriously hurt you or worse. You're a pretty girl. You should be more careful.", he said protectively. "Well. All he would've had to do is tie my hands, cover my mouth and throw me in the back of a car.", I said reguarding what they did. Sam sounded curious, "Why are you fighting so hard? We only want to help." I picked at the whole in my jeans at the knee, "I put you in danger." Dean chuckled, "We're the freaking Winchesters. We put ourselves in danger. Face it, you couldn't stay alive without us. That guy was all the convincing I needed." "Okay.", I said. My voice came out shaky. I mainly backed down from the argument because my ribs started hurting again. I wasn't going anywhere. I might as well get used to it. I felt comfort when I was with them. I was kind of happy deep down that they kidnapped me that day, the first time. I feel meaning. My ribs really started to hurt and I grabbed my side. "Do you have my bag?", I managed. Castiel went to go get it. I dug for my medicine and swallowed 3 pills from the 3 bottles. They were staring. "I have a fractured rib or something like that. That's why I checked into the hospital.", I said. The pills kicked in immediately. "Can we go out tonight? I need a drink. ", I said ignoring the pain. "You know what, that's not a bad idea.", Dean said. "Let's go.", Sam said. I stood. They took me to a bar up the road. It is called "The Spot". How lame. We sat in a booth in the back. It took 10 minutes and 3 drinks for a guy to walk over to our table. He sat down drunkenly on my lap. I looked over to Dean. He wasn't approving. I just took another shot. He sat up and scooted me until I was practically on top of Sam. "Can I buy you a drink? ", he slurred. "Yeah. If you buy us one.", Dean answered. I shrugged my shoulders, "You heard the man." He came back minutes later with 5 drinks. "There. One for each of you. " he said. I laughed at how drunk he must be to see 5 of us. We all drank. He stared at me the whole time. I felt a little uncomfortable. "Um. Why are you staring at me like that?", I blurted. I heard Castiel chuckle. "Because you're beautiful. ", he said leaning in for a kiss. I leaned back into Sam's lap. Then I shoved him off. "No thanks.", I said. He leaned in again. I was practically on Sam again because I was trying to prevent this kiss with my life. "Alright. That's enough.", Dean said while standing up. He grabbed the guy by the shirt and told him to go home. Sam playfully pushed me off him. "Sorry.", I said through laughter. Dean didn't come back in after bringing the guy outside. Castiel got a phone call and kissed me on the cheek before leaving. Sam was acting weird. "You okay?", I asked. "Yeah. I'm just dizzy. I feel weird. Let's find Dean", he said. He stumbled and I kept him from falling. I knew what was going on. I threw his shoulder over mine to help him walk. "Sam. I think you've been drugged.", I said. I brought him outside to a dark ally. I saw Dean. He had a gun to his back. I sat Sam on the ground. "Let him go. " I demanded. The drugs kicked in for me. The guy was clearly still drunk. I could take him. "Kiss her and I'll let him go. ", he said looking at Sam. "What the hell? Is this fun to you? ", I asked. Sam stood and stumbled to me. "No. Sam. You don't have to.", I said backing into into a wall. He leaned in and I shoved him away. I started walking towards the guy. He shot Dean in the arm. "Stop!", I screamed. "Hey. All you need to do is kiss this guy. ", he said. What a pig. Sam didn't give me a choice. He backed me into the wall again. I tried to push him away, but even drugged the damn Winchesters were stronger than me. He grabbed my hands and held them tight. "Sorry about this, (y/n)." He leaned in and I shared one sloppy kiss with Sam. I tried to move but I couldn't. Sam pulled off my lips. Let's say I didn't feel sparks. It felt like kissing my brother or my dad. But Sam looked weird about it. "Longer.", the guy shouted. "Sam, no" , I said. Sam put my arms above my head. He kissed me again. I felt like I was about to pass out. Sam let me go and he fell down. "Let him go. Now!", I shouted. He shoved Dean to the ground. Dean was in pain. Sam passed out and Dean did after Sam. The guy started walking towards me. He punched me, and I fell on the ground. He got on me and started punching more. Everything went black.

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