Part 33: Bad Dreams

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We are walking through pitch black woods. The only thing giving us light is the moon. I felt myself being jerked and I was away from the boys. "(Y/n)!", Dean screamed. My mouth was covered. I was drug to a circle. "Surrender", a male voice said. "Sam, Dean!", I screamed. He smiled and pulled out a knife. "They won't get here in time." He cut into my arm. "Okay. I'll surrender. I'll give myself to this coven. But not here. Give me your location and I'll come", I pleaded. He got on top of me. He said something in a different language before cutting my other arm. I tried to push him off. He said more things in another language. He pulled my shirt off and started to take my pants off before whispering something in my ear, "7689 Long Road, Louisiana" "This is part of the ritual.", he said. He cut my ankle, tied my hands, then cut my other ankle. "You are reborn into this coven. Meet us at the adress as soon as you wake. Or you'll be killed. ", he said getting on top of me. I kicked my legs and tried to move my arms. He covered my mouth and brought a knife to my face. "I must kill you and bring you back.", he said. Trying to get my pants off. "The clothes symbolize rebirth", he said. Sam and Dean stumbled out of the woods. When they saw what was happening, they pushed him off and the witch disappeared. Great. I was in my bra in front of the Winchesters. I struggled to get out of the ropes. Sam helped me untie them and Dean handed my shirt to me. They looked away while I got dressed. "How do we get out of here? ", I asked. "You need to wake up. ", Dean said. It sounded easy, but it was incredibly hard. "I can't", I admitted. Jason came out of the woods, "There you are, (y/n). Let me take you home. " I looked at Sam and Dean and came up with a plan. "Hit me", I said to Dean. They looked confused. Jason was getting closer. "Look. If Castiel sees that we are getting hurt, he will wake us. Now, do it. ", I demanded. Dean did as Sam faught Jason off. I felt myself being shaken, but I still couldn't wake. "Again", I ordered. Dean protested, "I'm not going to hit you again." And he wasn't. I had to do something, so I punched him and he was shocked. I tried to do it again, but he dodged it and told me to stop. Why the hell wasn't Castiel waking us? The woods scenery around us faded and changed into a hotel. I remembered this. This was the night some guys who lost bad in a poker game against me came to kill me. Dean and I were still going at it. I kneed him in the stomach. He threw me to the ground. "Stop", he said pinning my arms down. "Okay. Get off.", I said. The guys burst in the door with the iron rod they used to beat me with that night. Sam, Dean and I looked at each other. "I have to wake up", I said. The guys came over and hit me in the side with the rod. I fell to the ground. Sam and Dean faught them off. Sam disappeared. One of the guys beat Dean while the other kept hitting me with the rod. Dean disappeared and it was just us. He hit me over the head and I woke up on the floor. "What took you so long?", Dean asked. "I wanted to make sure you had gotten the information you needed before waking you. ", Castiel replied. I had all of the wounds from in the dream. "Jesus, (y/n). Are you alright?", Sam asked. I stood. "7689 Long Road Louisiana", I said before falling down. I felt my head and blood was on my fingers. Dean helped me up. "That's the adress. He told me to be there as soon as I woke.", I said. The boys packed everything they could think of. In the Impala, I blurted, "You know, he can be killed like a normal human." Sam turned around, "Yeah. But we have to make sure." I was starting to feel very drowsy. I layed my head on Castiel's lap and fell asleep. I woke and the first thing I saw was Castiel's face looking at me. It was daytime. I sat up. "Goodmorning, sunshine" , Dean said. Sam was asleep in the passanger seat.
"10 hours left", Dean said. I looked out the window and imagined how this whole witch fight would go down. In my head, we didn't come out as winners.

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