Part 8: Captivity Begins

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Dean wanted me to stay back at the bunker so I'd be safer. It turns out he was wrong. Crowley must have known Dean was going to do that. I was taken from the bunker that night by demons. What they don't know is that I still have the tracking device in my pocket. I'll swollow it if I have to. I will get out of this. I am not staying with demons. They threw a black bag over my head and threw me in the back of a van. I'm still back here. We have been driving for a several hours. The van stopped, and I heard doors open. They took my arms, and left the bag over my head. More doors. They took me into a building, and brought me to a room. Once we got there, they let go of my arms, and pushed me on the floor. Somebody took the bag off my head. "Finally. It was getting hot in there ", I said. The demons had disappeared, and I was on my knees in front of Crowley. "Hello, (y/n)." I stood up because I wasn't going to bow down to him. "Show me what you can do", he said while gesturing to a demon in the corner. The demon attacked me. He cut my arm with a knife, and we got into a full on fight. "Oh. Come on. I don't need this boring stuff. Show me what you can really do.", Crowley said as I was pinning the demon down. "Exorcizamus te omnis immundus spi-" The demon pushed me off. It made me mad. I was angry that Crowley kidnapped me, and is trying to kill me right now. Angry. It made me so angry. My hand started tingling. I felt electricity through my whole body. A bright yellow light came from my hand. I shoved my hand to the demons chest. The demon lit up with yellow orange light and fell to the floor. I just killed a demon with my hand the same way the demon knife would. I couldn't believe my eyes. Crowley looked shocked. He started clapping. "Well. That was something.", he said in amazement. I stood back up. "Let me out of here or I'll kill every demon in this place. Including you." He stood from his throne. "That's a little cocky.", he said as he walked toward me. He got in my face, "You're new here, so I'll let you in on how things work. You aren't going anywhere. Unless I say you can. And you can kill any filfthy demon in this place, but you will not kill me. You can't. I am the king.", he said calmly. He stepped a few feet back, "I am the king!", he screamed. "Yeah. I get it.", I said. He sat back down at his throne. "When I ask you for something, you will do it. Or be punished. Right now you're in trouble for your smart mouth. I don't like it. So you'll be punished for however long I like." He gestured to another demon, "Take her to her room." A demon grabbed my arm. "Hey, easy. ", I said. My "room" was dark. I hoped there was a light switch somewhere. But it was just dark. The demon stopped in front of my room. She threw me inside, then closed the door. There wasn't a bed. Just a blanket, or at least I thought it was. It was just a dark room, and I couldn't see anything. I felt around the room. The walls were plain. No light switch. Just darkness, and a tiny vent on the wall close to the ground. I heard a knock on the wall next to mine. I knocked back. I put the sim card in the vent, so nobody would find it. I saw light coming from the vent, I stuck my hand in. I pulled out an piece of paper, a pen, and a flashlight. The flashlight was turned on. The paper said, "My name is Sarah." I wrote her back, "My name is (y/n). How long have you been here? " I heard footsteps. I slid the paper and flashlight back into the vent. She wrote me back, "A year."

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