Part 32: Dream Root

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I kept my eyes open and stared at the ceiling. I didn't hear anything. A million thoughts rushed in. Suddenly, I was in a community pool that I had spent the summer trying to swim in a couple years back. It all felt so real. I was at the bottom touching the concrete and looking up to the surface. I felt the cold water against my skin and I felt the water force as I pushed myself back down to the bottom. The sunlight burned my eyes through the water. The water went away and I saw my mom and dad. Mom took my hand and lead me down a hallway. The hallway seemed incredibly long. I felt and saw memories as I passed each door. There were three that stuck out the most. One door filled with memories of near death experiences, and as a hunter there's a lot. Another door with my past life before my family's death. And the last door with memories from Sam, Dean, and Cas, only the good ones. We finally got to one door. This door felt like the right one. I felt something touching me, but I didn't see anything on my body. I had my cast on, but I could walk. "I don't want to go in there. ", I said. It felt like I had to go in, but at the same time what was behind the door felt so empty. Mom smiled, "Everything is over, now. " She opened the door and I stood in the doorway as she walked in. There was nothing but white light. I suddenly felt overwhelming sadness for leaving the boys. She held her arm out for me to take it. Dad put his hand on my shoulder. I didn't know what had gotten into me. Peace washed over me. I was just about to take it when her face twisted into a horrible black hole and the room turned into the bunker. Things were blurry and I felt the sensation of somebody touching me again. When I walked, it felt like I was walking under water. The blurry faded away and I felt myself drop. It felt like I had taken a 10 foot drop. For minutes, I was falling. When I "landed", everything was clear. Castiel's face was above mine and I was laying on the floor , my head on Dean's knees. I wondered if this was part of my passing into the afterlife experience. I tried to sit up and Castiel shoved me down gently. "I healed you", Castiel said. "I didn't want to be healed. I want to die.", I said through tears. I tried to sit up again, and Dean pulled me back down. "You're not dying. Not on my watch ", Sam said. I want to live, but not if I cause chaos. I was wet and cold. "What are you going to do, lock me up? ", I asked. Castiel shook his head, "if we have to." "No matter what you think, we want you here and alive", Sam said. "How did you heal me?", I asked. "Your powers weren't in affect because you syoulied. I sat up and this time they helped me. Sam put a towel around me. "I'm sorry", I said. They helped me up and Sam and Dean threw their shoulders over mine to help me to the bathroom. "Change your clothes. Talk the entire time so we know you're alright", Sam said. I obeyed. I was happy to be able to walk again, but the cast was getting in the way. While I unbuttoned my shirt, I started the conversation. "So. Do you think the witches will come for me again?", I asked. Dean replied, "I don't know. But if they do, we are ready." I struggled to get my jeans on, so I just put on my shorts. I opened the door. "Can we get rid of this thing?", I asked. They helped me get it off. My leg felt weird after being in it. I sat on the couch while the boys were in the next room trying to figure out how to get rid of my connection to the witches. My eyes started to feel heavy after a couple minutes and before I knew it I was out. My dream was strange. I was walking in a field and somebody grabbed me. "You're going to kill them" , the mystery person said. "What?", I asked confused. The person took my hand and cut my palm. It stung, but I knew it was a dream. "You will kill them and join us ", it sounded like a million voices said it. They lifted my shirt and burned the pentagram into my side. The pain was enough to wake me. I woke up laying on my stomache on the couch. Something was dripping. I looked down and my hand was bleeding. I lifted my shirt and the pentagram was burned into me. I stood and saw Sam on the ground in the next room. I ran to him. He was stabbed and bloody. Next to him was Dean. I followed the black spot to Castiel on the floor. They were all dead. The witch showed her face. "I told you", she said. She punched me again and I woke. I actually woke this time. It was all a dream. I checked for the burn and my hand. There was nothing. I walked into the room with Sam, Dean and Cas to, you know, make sure. "Guys. Have you found anything?", I asked. Sam lifted his eyes from a book. They all looked at me strangely. Dean stood and walked over to me. "What the hell happened?", he asked. I raised an eyebrow, "What are you talking about?"
He touched my face and I flenched. "ouch", I whispered. He got a wet rag and wiped the blood from my face. "In my dream, somebody punched me. The witches can communicate through dreams, I guess", I admitted. They all shared glances, "Yeah. We found a way to break the connection.", Dean said. I was about to ask how when he inturrupted me, "The only way is to kill the one who was going to pass their powers to you. The master, or whatever", he said. "I'll do it", I said. "I can try to find them through my dreams and get the location", I said. "No. No way. We are coming with you. ", Sam said. I can't believe I forgot, "Right. The dream root. Do you have some?", I asked. Castiel flashed out and came back moments later. "Got it", he said. The boys took a piece of my hair and put it into the disgusting mixture. I drank it first. "I don't feel anything, guys.", I said. Suddenly I was sitting down in a field. It was dark. I didn't know how I felt about the boys being in my head, but it had to be done. Sam and Dean stumbled onto the ground where I was. Castiel stayed behind to make sure our actual bodies were fine and he could wake us up before anything bad happened. "Let's go", Sam sad holding out his hand. I took it and stood.

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