Part 9: Darkness

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The room made me go crazy. It was nothing but darkness all day. They didn't feed me. I guess that was part of my punishment. They'd open my door once a day to give me a small glass of water. I didn't know how long I had been here. A week? I had no idea. Crowley put a bracelet on me that I can't get off. Everytime I try to sleep, it shocks me. The only thing keeping me halfway saine is Sarah. We talk daily now. About everything. I wonder why she is here, but I haven't got the courage to ask. I'm laying down with my blanket, staring up into the darkness. I'm trying so hard not to go to sleep. My eyes feel incredibly heavy. My stomache growled. The hunger I could deal with, I just need sleep. 30 minutes at the most. I'll even take 5 minutes. Crowley found the sim card I was keeping because I fell asleep before he put the bracelet on, and he found it. Well, he didn't do anything. He has his demons do everything. But he decided the punishment. I heard something in the vent, then 8 knocks on the wall. I knocked back the same amount of times. I pulled out paper, pen, and the flashlight. "You've been here 8 days, (y/n)", Sarah wrote. I realized the knocking. I didn't know that's why she knocked like that. This sleep deprivation is making me slow. I wrote her back, "I don't think I'm going anywhere anytime soon." I wrote. I knew in subconsciously that I had given up hope. But now that it's on paper, I've completely lost hope. She wrote me back, "I have to go. Somebody is coming. But take these. Don't get caught." I was confused until I heard something in the vent later. I reached my hand in. It was a box of something and a long stick. I opened the box and felt around in it. Matches. The stick, I realized, is a candle. I lit one match. I saw that the box said, "You need them more than I do. :]" I was greatful, but I wanted to know how she got all of her stuff. I wrote her back, "Thank you so much". I heard footsteps, so I slid the paper back in. Black eyes opened my door and left me my routine glass of water. That was all I was expecting. But she opened it again moments later and left me a piece of bread. She motioned me towards the door. "Don't tell anybody about this", she said. I took the water and bread and moved back. She winked and closed the door. I only took a piece of the bread. I didn't know when I'd be getting it again. Then, I drank the water. I hid the bread next to my blanket, next to my candles and matches. I stood up for the first time in a long time. Well, 8 days. My pants started to fall off me. I sat down. I wondered when Crowley was going to stop punishing me and get to the real reason he kidnapped me. My body started to hurt. Like I was weak. I'm not weak. Sleep. I need sleep. I drifted off and fell asleep. Shock. I felt it in my wrist, so I jumped up. I thought about if I was ever going to see The Winchesters again. I thought about a lot of things. That's all I could do in a dark room. This is the worst torture. I went to a wall, and started writing strikes. I heard 9 knocks on the wall. I knocked back. I could barely move. I needed sleep. When I stood up, my blood pressure must have dropped. I passed out. I guess that counts as sleep, but I didn't care. I woke up with the bracelet on my ankle, and I felt a little better. I must have gotten some sleep. I heard 10 knocks on the wall. I knocked back. Did I sleep for an entire day? I wasn't hungry anymore. I felt empty. My cell door opened, and somebody gave me a whole bottle of water and a sandwich with chips. I didn't feel hungry. But once I ate it, the hunger pain felt overwhelming. The demon came back, and dragged me out of the room. The lights hurt my eyes. I looked at my wrist and saw red marks. That must have been why they switched the bracelet to my ankle. They sat me down in front of Crowley. "Are you ready to be done with punishment?", he asked. "I have a job for you.", he said.

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