Part 24: Kidnapped...Again

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The Winchesters were relentless and I haven't slept in days. I know they're getting close. I wish my powers had them on a radar, so I could be prepared. I sat in my stolen car and played around with my powers. I was in the middle of the woods. I couldn't risk being found at a hotel. Eventually, I will check into one. But for now, I am laying low. I pulled a candle from the glove compartment and set it on the dash. I had to really focus everytime I even thought about using my powers because once I used them, things could get out of control unless my full focus was on them. I extended my hand, closed my eyes, and let out deep breaths. I opened them and saw that the candle was on fire. My heart raced. I got so excited, then the fire went out. I really need to work on focus. I decided to check into a hotel anyway. But I was out of cash, so I had to use a fake card. The Winchesters called as I was walking to my room. I put the phone between my ear and my shoulder while I opened the door. "Yeah.", I answered. "We're getting close.", Dean said. I rolled my eyes and locked the door. "Dean. You could be standing right here with me, and you still wouldn't be close. I'm not going with you. I'll fight. I'll run.", I said. I didn't know if I was trying to convince myself or them. "See you later.", Dean said hanging up the phone. I plopped on the bed. I planned on another night of staring at the door, but I was out after 10 minutes. When I woke, the clock said it was 10:00 A.M. I rolled out of bed. I was feeling energized. I wanted to see what powers I would test today. I sat on the floor with candles in a circle around me. Unlit candles. I felt bad about the Impala. Dean sure loves that thing. I wanted to fix it. I extended both hands toward a candle directly ahead of me. I kept my eyes open. I concentrated hard on what I wanted. I wanted that car fixed. My hand felt like force was coming from it. It felt like there was this big ball of energy circling me. The candles all lit up one by one. I kept thinking about the Impala. Suddenly, I flew backwards and hit a wall. My powers pushed me back. I kept my eyes on the prize. The ball of energy from before felt like a whole room of energy drowning me. I realeased. I sent Dean a text, "Check the Impala." He replied 20 minutes after and he was completely shocked, "What did you do?", he asked. I ignored him. I was so excited. I went to the bar later that night. I drank some, but it just reminded me of Sam and Dean. After a couple hours of drinking, somebody came to me. "You're very pretty.", he said. He looked maybe a year or two older than me. "Thanks.", I said not even bothering to try. "You want to get out of here and hang out?", he asked. I had nothing better to do. "Yeah. My hotel. Follow me.", I said. He followed me to the hotel. "This is me." , I said sliding the key into the door. We walked in and I turned on the light. Suddenly his hand went over my mouth and I smelled something. It was making me dizzy. I was about to give up fighting when he let me go. He fell on the ground and I caught my breath on the floor. I looked up to see what happened and Dean's blurry face was all I saw. I backed up and hit the door. "You still need us, (y/n) What would have happened if I weren't here?", he said while pulling me up. I looked around. "Where's Sam and Cas?", I asked. "Wait. Let me guess. They're outside in case I run. Son of a bitch. How did you find me?", I asked. He smiled, "Always use cash." I locked the door. "The odds of one on one are better than three on one.", I said. I walked towards him, "Don't use Castiel's powers against me and I won't use mine.", I offered. Really, I just couldn't use my powers around the three of them. They made me feel like I didn't need my powers. "Deal.", he said throwing zip ties on the bed with tape. I threw the first punch. Boy. That hurt a lot. A lot. He didn't seem phased. He was about to hit me but I dodged it. He grabbed me and threw me to the ground, "You're fast, (y/n). But not as fast as me." I kicked him off of me and stood. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way", he said walking towards me. "Easy.", I said holding my hands out. He grabbed them and put the zip tie on. I kneed him in the stomache. "I never was one for taking the easy way out.", I said running out the door. I didn't see Sam and Cas. I ran to an ally. I saw Dean close at first, but I must have lost him. I stopped running and turned around to see look for him. Suddenly, I felt my body being jerked to a wall. Sam was holding me to the wall. I tried to get him off, but I couldn't. Ugh. Why were they so strong. Dean and Cas came out from hiding. "Get off!", I screamed. "Help!", I screamed. Dean put a gag in mouth. Sam put my arms above my head on the wall and Dean tied my hands. I kicked violently and kept screaming through the gag. Dean kneed me in the stomache like I did to him, and the streaming stopped. I kept kicking. Sam threw me over his shoulder. I pounded on his back. "Welcome back, (y/n).", Cas said.

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