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Still a little tired, you opened your eyes to see Five's eyes closed, but every few minutes, he would tighten his hold, or kiss your cheek, or run his fingers through your hair.

You sifted onto your other side so your back was against his chest. He responded by tightening his hold and drawing you closer, but this time, it seemed more like a reflex. From his steady, rhythmic breathing, you could tell he was asleep, so you let out a smile.

You'd normally be shivering under the sheet, but the warmth that spread through the moment Five had taken you in his arms had not disappeared. 

You didn't wanted to admit it but you have really missed this.  

Since it was some wild and hard rounds with Five, and the two of you spend the rest of the day and most of the night having sex in many different ways and positions, you were even doing blinking while you also took turns in who the dominant is, you were very tired and your body very sore so you closed your eyes before falling asleep again.


The sun shining into your bedroom window and the sound of the birds singing woke you up and you turned to the other side but only to see that the side was empty and cold meaning that Five has being gone for a while.

You pick up your clothes that have being thrown around in the room before taking it back on while you smell some fresh coffee and you smiled at the thought that Five was in the kitchen making some coffee. 

You felt how sore your body was, you were limping. It has being a long time since your body has being that sore.   

When you walked out of the bedroom to find Five gone and a pot of fresh coffee standing on the kitchen table with a note laying next to it.

You grab the note to see what it say.

'Didn't wanted to wake you. I'm running out of time. I know you hate it and it's dangerous but I had no other choice. I have to go through with this plan. I understand that you didn't wanted to help me. Hope you will come and say goodbye when I have the briefcase. Thank you for the amazing night. I needed that.

Five H

You let out a sigh, maybe you should help him with this, beside it could be dangerous and your Five might get hurt.


Luther was asleep on the couch when the sound of a fridge opened and soft rattling was heard causing Luther to wake up.

"Five?" Luther asked and he let out a softly grunt as he got up from the couch.

"Shit" he said as he walked towards the kitchen.

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