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The Handler was in her office as a tailor was fixing her dress.

"Careful. I want that hem straight enough to cut throats" The Handler said as she was looking herself in the mirror to see her silver dress.

The door then opened and Lila entered "Nice frock" she said and The Handler chuckled "Is this a swearing in or a...a coronation?" Lila asked "How's your new hire working out? I heard he lasted all of then minutes in orientation before he started running amok" The Handler said "Oh, you know boys. He's probably around here somewhere eating a...a very large sandwich" Lila said as she walked around the room.

"Mm-hmm. Herb!" The Handler said and Herb entered the room.

"Tell Lila what you told me" The Handler said "I, uh, didn't actually offer it up" Herb said as his breath was trembling "You put a knife to my throat" he said "Go on" The Handler said "Diego commandeered the Infinite Switchboard, then hijacked a briefcase...and left The Commission" Herb said "Told you" The Handler said "He also held a knife to my throat" Herb said "I knew he was a grifting little gonad. So, what are you gonna do about him?" The Handler asked and Lila looked at her "Me?" she asked and The Handler turned to her "Your puppy, your responsibility. Or are you forgetting our little agreement?" The Handler asked.

"You only let him stay hoping I'd have to kill him" Lila said "Hmm" The Handler said "Was this all a test?" Lila asked "Everything is a test, darling. The question is...why are you falling it?" The Handler asked.

Then Herb heard AJ clinking on the glass softly and he slowly moved over to the fishbowl.

"I'm not failing. Let me handle it my way" Lila said "Does your way include decapitation? Quartering, boiling, thumbscrews, burning at the stake, or Chinese water toture?" The Handler asked.

Herb looked down at the button of the fishbowl to see that AJ have made a number out of the yellow stones.


"I wanna let him go" Lila said "Peons...out" The Handler said and the people walked out leaving The Handler and Lila.

The Handler walked closer to Lila "Darling, blood is thicker than water, but...you can drown in either, Lila" she said as she stroke her hands down Lila's cheeks before she removed them.

"I am officially about to become the most powerful woman in time, more powerful than Y/n and you will be my right hand" The Handler said as she stroke her right hand down Lila's left cheeks.

"But I need to know..." she said as she put her hand on Lila's throat, squeezing her face a little causing her to let out a softly grunt.

"...That I can trust you...at all times...in all ways" The Handler said as she tighten her grip.

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