27. I'M IN

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Luther and Diego entered Elliott's apartment.

But as soon as they walk in Luther spotted something on the floor "Blood" he said and pointed on the floor.

The two walked closer and Luther stuck his finger in the blood and held it up to the light "Shit" he said.

"Elliott?" Diego called out but no one answer.

"Diego" Luther called out and he walked over to him.

Elliott was sitting in what look like a dentist chair that was on the top of the stairs facing towards the front of the television store.

He was laying back in the chair with his mouth open. Dried blood was all around the mouth. Blood was splattered across his face from the cuts and some of his teeth was missing.

A clamp hung was clutched out of his mouth and some other type of tool had been lodged down almost halfway down his throat.

A stake knife was stabbed to his heart.

You could see on his body that he have being tortured.

"Holy shit" Diego said and Luther looked behind to see Diego looking over the railing.

Luther walked towards Diego to the word 'ÖGA FÖRÖGA' was witting in blood on the floor.


Five arrived at a room in a motel before he knocked on a green set of double doors.

It didn't take long before The Handler opened the door and she smiled when she saw Five.

"Ah! Just in time for a nightcap" she said and Five walked into the room before he closed the door as the sound of cocktail shaker sloshing was heard.

The sound of lip pops open and liquid being poured was heard as Five glanced around the room.

 The Handler put a cigarette in between her teeth before she offer a glass of wine to Five but he didn't take it.

"Just to be clear, I take out this person, you get me and my family home. No more doomsday, no more apocalypse. Is that correct?" he asked "That's the deal" she said as she sat down on the bed "Then I'm in" he said and she lifted up a piece of paper.

Five grab it before opened it.

His eyes widened as his body froze when he saw a photo of you.


Five looked at The Handler who smiled.

"No, I will not do that" he shook his head "Come on Five, you hate her, just as much as she hate you. You are doing yourself a favor" she said.

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